She’s Got It

Independent woman: 5 books for successful business development

Everything a modern woman needs to know about building her own business.

Every woman wants to feel successful and productive both in family relationships and business. We offer you a selection of books from the "Nash Format" publishing house that will help women to realize their own endeavors and achieve their own goals in business.

Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family by Anne-Marie Slaughter

One of the best books of the year according to the Washington Post, NPR, and Economist. Author Anne-Marie Slaughter is a lawyer, lecturer, and editor who specializes in foreign policy analysis. The book's subject is social relations, equality, human rights, and the culture of labor relations.

A woman as if is between two fires when she has to choose between family life and career. What's equality? Why is there still a stereotype in the world that only a woman should raise children and do everyday work? The book deals with the culture of labor relations, social policy, and justice in the labor market. The author talks about her experience and the experience of other American women who balance between family and work, like most women around the world. There are also tips to help women enjoy work and be exemplary mothers and wives at the same time.

"Women having the privilege of taking a break or choosing a more flexible schedule to care for a child may give up the promotion and brilliant dreams that accompanied them during their studies in college, university, and at work. Poor women who simultaneously perform a role of caregivers and nurses are going through a much more serious ordeal, searching for answers to the question of how to feed their families."

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