She’s Got It

Alina Mikhailova: girl at war. Days of a paramedic volunteer instead of student’s life

At 21, instead of attending lectures on political science at Kyiv National University, she went to the front. How do women in the army feel? How to get support from loved ones? Why would foreign soldiers like to learn from ours? Moving towards October 14, the Day of Defenders, both male and female, we talked to a famous volunteer and paramedic well known on social networks under the nickname @MAlina

A delicate, pretty girl with dark hair meets me near the Ukrainian House. It's Alina, she is a volunteer at the front. The expression "killer beauty" would suit her perfectly, but Alina is a paramedic in the First Assault Company "Right Sector". Her first task is to save. Although she has, in fact, quite a lot of these tasks. What are the reasons that made a political theorist from Shevchenko National University decide to defend the Motherland? Where does she get the inspiration for a further fight? Why did she choose the path of a volunteer? We asked her about it for our column "She's Got It."

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