What’s Going On

Timeline: day 35 of Ukraine’s defense against Russian aggression (UPDATING)

Photo: Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine[/caption]

Киев и область

Сегодня в Киеве откроют Южный мост для общественного транспорта.  Частные автомобили туда по-прежнему заезжать не смогут. Пока через мост будут курсировать два автобуса — 22-й (Тростянецкая — Жуляны) и 91-й (Ахматовой — метро Голосеевская). А также «быстрые», фуры с гуманитаркой и спецтранспорт.

⚡️ Глава Киевской областной государственной администрации Александр Павлюк рассказал о ситуации в Киевской области по состоянию на 30 марта.

Наиболее опасными направлениями в Киевской области остаются:

Населённые пункты вдоль Житомирской трассы

  • Буча — Ворзель — Гостомель
  • Немешаево
  • Дмитровская громада
  • Макаровская громада
  • север Вышгородского района
  • территории некоторых населенных пунктов Барышевской, Калитнянской, Великодымерской громад Броварского района.

За прошедшие сутки зафиксировано более 30 обстрелов российскими войсками жилых массивов и социальной инфраструктуры Киевской области.

В Ирпене до сих пор остаются около трех тысяч человек, их пытаются вывезти. 30 марта эвакуировали 150 человек, треть из которых — дети. ВСУ полностью контролируют Ирпень, однако возвращаться в город еще опасно — город заминирован, а вражеские обстрелы продолжаются. 50% города разрушены, некоторые завалы еще не разбирали.

2 колонны захватчиков, которые ранее давили на Бровары и базировались в районе Новой и Старой Басани, начали свое движение в сторону границы с рф. Об этом сообщил Антон Геращенко. Одна идет через Ичню, другая через Лосиновку. В одной 300 единиц техники. В другой 150. Вероятно выводят технику для того, чтобы усилить свою группировку на Донбассе.

Донетчина и Луганщина

путин продолжает «демилитаризировать» мирное население Луганщины. Сегодня около 6:30 утра произошел мощный обстрел города Лисичанск. По сообщению губернатора Луганской области Сергея Гайдая, разрушены несколько многоэтажек, под завалами люди. Есть жертвы.

12:00 — UPD: В Лисичанске в результате обстрелов погиб человек, еще 13 спасли. Также во время артиллерийских вражеских обстрелов пострадали двое детей: ранения тяжелые.

рашисты обстреляли Кременную с авиации, а позиционные бои в Попасной и Рубежном до сих пор продолжаются. Оккупантам не удалось взять под контроль украинские города. 

В Донецкой области в населенных пунктах Марьинской ВГА около 7:00 оккупанты начали артобстрел. Имеются значительные разрушения, пожары. Многочисленные разрушения от предварительных обстрелов зафиксированы и в Авдеевке.

Оккупационные власти на временно оккупированной территории Луганщины планируют провести очередную волну мобилизации с 1 апреля. Вероятно, это попытаются сделать и на недавно захваченных территориях области, сообщает Генштаб ВСУ.

российские твари целенаправленно обстреляли отмеченное красным крестом здание в Мариуполе. Такими отметками Международного комитета Красного Креста обозначают места, где могут находиться раненые, гражданские или гуманитарные грузы. Удары нанесли артиллерией и авиацией.

20:30 — В Луганской области обострение. Россияне безостановочно бьют по мирным городам, в результате чего два человека погибли, а пятеро пострадали, сообщает глава Луганской ОВА Сергей Гайдай.

Лисичанск россияне обстреливают из артиллерии, по Попасной бьют авиацией. В результате мощных обстрелов Северодонецка, Рубежного, Лисичанска, Кременной повреждено около 18 объектов. Гайдай призывает жителей Луганщины оставаться в укрытиях.

В Донецкой области россияне снова использовали фосфорные снаряды — на этот раз в Марьинке. В городе было обнаружено с десяток возгораний, их ликвидировали работники ГСЧС.

Также под обстрелы попали Георгиевка, Новокалиново и Очеретино — пострадавших среди гражданских нет, но повреждено несколько домов. В результате обстрелов снова обесточена Авдеевка.


Заместительнице Бердянской РГА сообщили о подозрении в государственной измене. По данным следствия, чиновница добровольно вызвалась помогать ФСБ в проведении подрывной деятельности против ВСУ и патриотически настроенного населения


В Сумской области на границе с рф оккупанты 29 марта устроили провокацию в пункте пропуска Рыжевка. Они установили там свой БТР и сами его взорвали. Об этом сообщил глава Сумской областной военной администрации Дмитрий Живицкий. После самоподрыва орки, якобы для отмщения украинцам, сожгли украинский пограничный пункт пропуска на границе с рф.

Оккупанты минируют территорию Украины минами с сейсмическим датчиком. То есть, эти мины реагируют на вибрацию от шагов. Использование мин ПОМ-3 «Медальон» зафиксировали на Харьковщине и Сумщине, сообщает Генштаб ВСУ. Когда мина «слышит» приближение человека, ее боевая часть вылетает на высоту около 1-1,5 м и взрывается. Военные предупреждают: если увидите такую мину, ни в коем случае не подходите близко и не подпускайте к ней других людей. В случае обнаружения — сразу звоните в полицию.


Еще одного человека похитили вчера российские военные на Сновщине. Речь идет о старосте Новоборовицкого старостинского округа Анатолии Сером. Информацию подтвердили в Сновском городском совете. «Военные сказали, что не будут подвергать опасности население и вернут старосту при условии, если будет расчищена дорога до Новых Боровичей от поваленных деревьев», — говорится в сообщении на Фейсбук-странице горсовета.

Ночью оккупанты в очередной раз обстреливали Чернигов. Из-за обстрелов горел рынок и торговый центр. Всего за минувшие сутки произошло 20 пожаров. Есть травмированные.

Также ночью 30 марта в Чернигове россияне обстреляли областную универсальную библиотеку имени Короленко, расположенную в центре города и имеющую историческую ценность.

Мэр Нежина Александр Кодола сообщил, что в результате российских обстрелов Нежина 29 марта травмы получили шесть человек, среди которых один ребенок. Один человек погиб. Повреждены 10 частных домов, три разрушено, также есть повреждения автомобилей и гаражей.


В Николаеве продолжаются поисково-спасательные работы после попадания вражеской ракеты в девятиэтажное здание облгосадминистрации и разрушение центральной секции с 9 по 1 этаж. По состоянию на 14:30 30 марта известно о 15 погибших. 36 человек травмированы.


В Херсонской области ночью были слышны сильные взрывы и обстрелы в разных районах области. Больше всего пострадали Бериславский и Каховский районы. Местные жители сообщают об уничтоженной инфраструктуре, жилых домах. Также среди гражданского населения есть пострадавшие и, к сожалению, убитые. Информацию уточняют.

В Великой Белозерке подразделения российских оккупантов рассредоточились по всему населенному пункту и расположили технику между жилыми домами. Прятаться за спинами гражданских — привычная тактика российских людоедов.

Российские оккупанты заявляют, что область полностью под их контролем, однако украинские военные уже отбили несколько сел, сожгли технику. ВСУ сообщают, что за несколько дней они продвинулись на 15 километров вперед.

В Херсоне русские оккупанты похитили священника Сергея Чудиновича. В 8:30 его забрали прямо из церкви. Сергей Чудинович — настоятель церкви Пресвятой Богородицы, известный в Херсоне общественный деятель и волонтер.

20:00 — UPD: Херсонского священника Сергея Чудиновича, задержанного утром, отпустили домой, сообщил Епископ Херсонский и Таврический, управляющий Херсонской епархией ПЦУ Никодим.

Одесская область 

Российские военные заминировали акваторию Черного моря, использовав мины, захваченные в 2014 году после оккупации Крыма. Это сделали для дискредитации Украины, заявили в украинском МИД.

Кроме того, в настоящее время в водах Черного моря орками заблокированы по меньшей мере 90 гражданских судов, предназначенных для транспортировки продовольствия, в том числе зерна. Цель террористов — спровоцировать продовольственный кризис в ряде стран мира. 


В Ахтырке продолжают убирать город после месяца бомбардировок. Сейчас пытаются навести порядок в Ахтырском городском краеведческом музее.

Хмельницкая область 

Ночью враг нанес три удара по промышленным объектам Хмельницкой области — сообщил председатель ОГА Сергей Гамалий. Пожар уже локализован силами ГСЧС. Информация о пострадавших проверяется.

Одна из крылатых ракет оккупанта, которая была направлена ​​на объекты гражданской инфраструктуры Хмельницкой области, была сбита ракетой класса «воздух-воздух» из украинского истребителя


Ночью сильные артиллерийские обстрелы города. Данные о жертвах и разрушениях уточняются.


Вчера около 22:30 рашисты обстреляли Салтовку (Харьков). Горели около десятка квартир в жилых многоэтажках. Жертв и пострадавших нет.

По области продолжаются бои в Изюмском направлении, ВСУ сбили 1 истребитель и беспилотник.

В Харькове школьник работал корректировщиком огня. «Я занимался координированием огня в телеграмме», — говорит ученик. Он говорит, что наткнулся на рекламу в интернете, где обещали деньги за простые задания. Ему необходимо было делать скриншоты Google-карт по конкретным адресам в Харькове. А через несколько дней туда попали вражеские снаряды… Парень осознал, что помогал рашистам, когда дом посетили СБУшники. Отец школьника в шоке. 

Родители! Смотрите, чем занимаются ваши дети! Расскажите им об этом случае, чтобы они не попали на крючок к изобретательному и коварному врагу.

На Харьковщине военные ВСУ развернули колонну оккупантов и уничтожили их хваленый «Солнцепек». «Колонна шла на село в Харьковской области и получила отпор. Оккупанты начали разбегаться, ТЗМку от «Солнцепека» развернули, чтобы возвращаться на ней в сторону российской границы. Но в тылу их уже ждали мы», — рассказал историю уничтоженного образца один из воинов. Теперь российская тяжелая огнеметная система залпового огня, о которой даже снимали одноименный пропагандистский фильм — просто груда металлолома.

Украинские воздушные силы сбили три самолета-истребителя и один БПЛА на Слобожанском направлении, сообщает Воздушное командование «Схід».

21:00 — Украинские военные «зачистили» от остатков врагов Малую Рогань на Харьковщине. Об этом сообщило Министерство обороны.

По Харькову же весь день оккупанты  ведут хаотичный огонь из разных видов вооружения. Цель — дестабилизация ситуации в городе. Об этом заявил глава Харьковской ОГА Олег Синегубов в видеообращении в Telegram.


Днем оккупанты обстреляли территорию Апостоловской громады со стороны Херсонской области. К счастью, пострадавших нет. Поврежденных объектов тоже.

20:30 — россия обстреляла ракетами нефтебазу в Днепропетровской области. Объект уничтожен. Обломками другой ракеты повреждены еще два бензовоза. Пострадавших или погибших нет. Об этом сообщает глава облсовета Николай Лукашук.

Мэр города Борис Филатов обещает завтра вместе с СБУ начать в Днепре «охоту» на людей, которые выкладывают фото обстрелов.

Запад Украины

Спасатели потушили пожар на нефтебазе в Ровенской области. На месте работали 67 пожарных, 17 единиц техники, а также 2 пожарных поезда, сообщила ГСЧС. Пожар случился 28 марта 2022 года после вражеского ракетного удара.


Today, March 30, Russia's military attack on Ukraine has been going on for thirty-five days. We're reporting on all the current news. The article will be constantly updated.

What about today?

Key points.

The General Staff reports:

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Prosecutor General's Office has registered 3,236 Russian crimes of aggression and war crimes.

  • In particular, 3138 violations of the laws and customs of war.
  • Also, 1185 crimes against national security, of which 1297 were for encroaching on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine.

The terrorist country will never wash its hands off this! Retribution will come!

According to the draft law, registered in the Rada, it is envisaged not only to ban the Moscow Church but also to confiscate all its real estate.

The vast majority of Ukrainians believe that "ordinary Russians" are to blame for Russia's attack on Ukraine. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by Info Sapiens on March 28-29, 2022. 79% of respondents blamed "ordinary Russians" for Russia's invasion. Two weeks ago, that figure was 75%.

19:30 – Zelenskyy talked to Biden. Volodymyr Zelensky shared with the President of the United States his assessment of the situation on the battlefield and at the negotiating table. The presidents spoke about Ukraine's defense support, a new package of sanctions against Russia, and macro-financial and humanitarian aid.

Humanitarian corridors

Three humanitarian corridors are planned for March 30, said the Minister of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories Iryna Vereshchuk:

  • Berdiansk – Zaporizhzhia;

To evacuate Mariupol residents and deliver humanitarian aid to the city of Berdiansk.

  • Melitopol – Zaporizhzhia;

To deliver humanitarian aid and evacuate people from Melitopol.

  • Enerhodar – Zaporizhzhia;

For the passage of a convoy of people in their personal transport.

On the way back to the city, people in their personal vehicles will be able to join the humanitarian columns from Berdiansk and Melitopol.

French President Emmanuel Macron could not agree with Putin on the evacuation from Mariupol. Obviously, negotiating with a killer and a psychopath is much harder than doing beautiful photoshoots. The city-hero has been under siege by the occupying forces for over a month.

Minister for the Temporarily Occupied Territories Iryna Vereshchuk reports: The government is preparing a program to support Ukrainians forcibly deported by Russia.

22:00 – On March 30, three planned corridors worked, 1,530 people were able to leave on their personal vehicles, said the Minister of Reintegration Vereshchuk. At the same time, the Russian military continued to block evacuation buses and trucks with humanitarian aid in Vasylivka.

Ukraine's talks with Russia

Documents have already been prepared for a meeting between Zelenskyy and Putin, Podoliak said. "The package of documents is ready. We can already prepare for the meetings of the presidents. Of course, we want to do it as soon as possible."

"No referendums will take place in Ukraine until Russian troops leave our territory," Mykhailo Podoliak said. The procedure will be as follows: a referendum in Ukraine, followed by ratification of the guarantor countries and ratification of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada. Of course, the referendum will not take place today, because we have martial law. There is a war."

At the same time, the French government sees no signs of a breakthrough in negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. "Many statements from the Russian authorities… I will believe only in actions," French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in an interview with RFI.

Who's coming to Ukraine? 

About financial aid, weapons, and volunteer fighters

As part of the joint humanitarian initiatives of the Joint Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Lithuania, a fifteen-tonne train with humanitarian cargo arrived in Ukraine. According to the commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant-General Serhii Naiev, the aid consists of food products for long-term storage, as well as hygiene products, and more. The commander added that all the necessary things were collected by caring people from Poland.

In the UK, a charity concert for Ukraine raised $16 million

And the Pope donated ambulances to Ukraine. The pontiff personally allocated money for the Fiat Ducato. The first ambulance has already arrived in Lviv and will serve the city's residents.

President Zelenskyy called on Norway to provide NASAMS mobile anti-aircraft missile systems. They also talked about Harpoon anti-ship missiles.

Ukrainian volunteers created the information platform for foreigners who want to help. The universal English-language information platform Help Ukraine Online contains the maximum number of opportunities for help. These include lists of funds for financial assistance, global petitions, instructions for participation in the information struggle, and much more. The platform was created on the initiative of Ukrainian Inna Nelson, who lives in Australia, in collaboration with the Ukrainian digital agency 42DM.

Assistance to refugees 

The EU Council has adopted a plan for 10 support points for Ukrainian migrants,

What is planned:

  • Establishment of an EU platform for the exchange of registration information of all arriving;
  • Coordination of efforts to operate transport and information hubs for migrants;
  • Development of national action plans in emergencies to meet medium- and long-term needs;
  • Creating a map with the possibilities of receiving Ukrainians. Member States will be able to indicate which migrants can be accepted;
  • Development of security measures to counter the exploitation of Ukrainian migrants;
  • A separate item concerning the admission of children, including those who arrived in the EU without adults.

A good relationship works in both directions. In Suwalki, Poland, Ukrainian refugees staged a Saturday street cleaning. 30 refugees gathered and cleaned the city center. In this way, Ukrainians decided to thank the city and its residents for the temporary shelter. Poles are happy and want to introduce such a good custom of cleaning the city in the spring.

News from partners

136 pairs of children's socks were hung in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin.

The ribbon with 136 children's socks hung on it symbolized 136 children's lives (145 today), which ended in just one month of the war. For the second week in a row, "Save children of Ukraine" marches of Ukrainian mothers are taking place in major cities of Europe and America. Women who had been forced to flee the war again came out to talk about the suffering and death of Ukrainian children, Russia's war crimes, and once again begged to close the skies over Ukraine.

London has confirmed its desire to become one of the guarantors of Ukraine's security, said Britain's representative to the UN Barbara Woodward. "We want to help end the war in any way we can to help end the war. And we are happy to play that role if Ukraine asks."

Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic have refused to take part in the Visegrad Four in protest of Hungarian Prime Minister Orban's pro-Putin policies.

And the Parliament of Canada supported visa-free travel with Ukraine. "We call on the Government of Canada to introduce a visa-free travel regime from Ukraine to Canada, in particular by issuing electronic travel permits quickly," the report said.

What's in Russia?

Russian media RBC writes that Russia has decided to steal about 50 international brands. Among the brands on the list are Durex, Apple, Mastercard, BMW, Chanel, McDonald's, companies that have partially or completely left the Russian market. "Who will stop us if they leave the country?" Aleksandr Gerstein, who plans to sell Russian-made Durex, told RBC. Stealing, looting, and hoping that nothing will happen for this is the true essence of Moscow.

Gas pumping through the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline has dropped to zero, according to Reuters. The Kremlin is blackmailing Europe.

Russia has sent units from the occupied territories of Georgia to Ukraine: about 1,200 troops from South Ossetia and 800 from Abkhazia, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Austria will also not comply with Russia's demand to pay in rubles for natural gas supplies.

State Duma deputy Mykhailo Delyagin published a poll on the nuclear strike on Azerbaijan on his channel. (By the way, note that almost half of the channel's readers voted in favor). In addition, Delyagin called Azerbaijan a "Turkish proxy" and called for "punishing" it for the actions in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan immediately declared Delyagin internationally wanted, Azerbaijani media reported, citing the country's Prosecutor General's Office.

What about Belarus?

Only yesterday, 7 missile launches took place from the territory of Belarus in Ukrainian cities. But Belarus "didn't declare war" on us. Let's face it Belarus is taking part in this war. And it will be responsible for what was done.

Officials from Russia and Belarus will not be invited to a ceremony honoring the victims of a former Nazi concentration camp in Buchenwald, Germany. The ceremony is scheduled for April 10. This day marks the 77th anniversary of the release of the camp prisoners.

Russian lies 

Russian troops are being redeployed, not withdrawn from Kyiv, Reuters reports, citing a US civil servant. "Any movement of Russian troops from Kyiv is a redeployment, not a conclusion, and the world must be ready for a major offensive in other parts of Ukraine," he said. We are not surprised. Russia always lies.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces doesn't trust the words of the Russians. "The withdrawal of Russian troops is probably a rotation of individual units and is aimed at misleading the military leadership of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and creating a misconception about Moscow's refusal to plan to surround Kyiv," the General Staff said.

Sanctions on the aggressor!

International sanctions against Russia in 10 years will deal a severe blow to Russia's economy and to all fields of Russian life. However, in the next 1-1.5 years, sanctions will not affect Russia and its budget, which will continue to be replenished by oil and gas revenues and revenues from exports of other goods. This is the conclusion reached by the Ukrainian Institute of the Future. Only the introduction of an embargo on Russian oil imports (to a lesser extent gas) and China's position on how much it will help Russia compensate for its losses can be critical to Russia's economy.

The leaders of Britain, the United States, France, Germany, and Italy have spoken out against any easing of the West's determination to counter Russian aggression in Ukraine. During the conversation, the leaders agreed on the constant need to support the people of Ukraine in their fight against the Russian barbaric invasion.

One of the largest retailers and clothing manufacturers, the Polish LPP Group, which owns the brands Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito, and Sinsay, has closed all stores in Russia.

Israel and Turkey have begun discussions on building an alternative gas pipeline for Europe. The idea is to build an underwater pipeline from Turkey to Israel's largest offshore natural gas field, Leviathan, and from there the gas will flow to Turkey and the EU.

The Danish chain of furniture stores JYSK also leaves Russia.

Life considering hostilities

Google will launch a grant program for Ukrainian startups. Startups can earn up to $100,000.

Ukraine has had a strategic food supply for several years, so we will not stay hungry. "We have formed strategic food stocks for several years. These are the stocks we collected after sowing last year. We are forming basic food stocks today for several months, not taking the main grain block, but the total food set we have identified and we are forming to ensure Ukraine's food security," said Prime Minister Shmyhal.

A new feature has started working in the Diia app; you can apply for compensation for the loss of a house or apartment.

Trophies of Ukrainian Armed Forces

The Ukrainian military seized a Russian modern kit to aim at the 9S935 MANPADS gunner. This complex is part of the control system Barnaul-T, which is designed to control various air defense units.

The Ukrainian military burned a logistical column of Russians.

Kyiv and region

The Southern Bridge for public transport will be opened in Kyiv today. Private cars will still not be able to drive there. So far, two buses will run across the bridge, the 22nd (Trostianetska – Zhuliany) and the 91st (Akhmatovoi – Holosiivska metro). As well as "ambulances," trucks with humanitarian aid and special vehicles.

About 3000 people still remain in Irpin, evacuation is trying to take them out. On March 30, 150 people were evacuated, a third of them children. The Ukrainian Armed Forces fully control Irpin, but it is still dangerous to return to the city; the city is mined and enemy shelling continues. 50% of the city was destroyed, some blockages have not yet been dismantled.

2 columns of invaders, who had previously put pressure on Brovary and were based in the area of ​​Nova Basan and Stara Basan, began their movement towards the border with Russia. Anton Herashchenko, former deputy minister at the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs and adviser, announced this. One goes through Ichnia, the other through Losynivka. One has 300 units of equipment. Another has 150. Probably, they're withdrawing equipment in order to strengthen their group in Donbas.

Donetsk and Luhansk regions

путін продовжує "демілітаризувати" мирне населення Луганщини. Сьогодні близько 6:30 ранку відбувся потужний обстріл міста Лисичанськ. За повідомленням губернатора Луганської області Сергія Гайдая, зруйновано кілька багатоповерхівок під завалами люди. Є жертви.

Putin continues to "demilitarize" the civilian population of the Luhansk region. Today at about 6:30 am a heavy shelling of the city of Lysychansk took place. According to the governor of the Luhansk region Serhii Haidai, several high-rise buildings were destroyed under the rubble. There are victims.

The Russians fired at Kreminna from aircraft, and positional fighting in Popasna and Rubizhne is still ongoing. The occupiers failed to take control of Ukrainian cities.

In the Donetsk region in the settlements of the Mariinka Civil-military administration, the occupiers began shelling at about 7:00. There are significant destructions, fires. Numerous destructions from previous shellings were also recorded in Avdiivka.

The occupying power in the temporarily occupied territory of the Luhansk region plans to hold another wave of mobilization from April 1. Probably, they will try to do it in the recently occupied territories of the region, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

20:30 – Escalation in the Luhansk region. The Russians are constantly firing on peaceful cities, killing two people and injuring five, according to Serhii Haidai, head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration.

The Russians fired artillery at Lysychansk and hit Popasna with aircraft. As a result of the heavy shelling of Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, Lysychansk, Kreminna, about 18 objects were damaged. Haidai urges Luhansk residents to remain in cover.

In the Donetsk region, the Russians used phosphorous shells again, this time in Mariinka. Dozens of fires were found in the city and were extinguished by SES officers.

Heorhiivka, Novokalynove, and Ocheretyne were also shelled; no civilians were injured, but several houses were damaged. As a result of the shelling, Avdiivka was cut off electricity again.

Zaporizhzhia region

The deputies of the Berdiansk District State Administration reported suspicion of treason. According to the investigation, the official voluntarily assisted the FSB in carrying out subversive activities against the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the patriotic population.

Sumy region

Okhtyrka continues to clean up the city after a month of the bombing. Now they are trying to put the Okhtyrka City Museum of Local Lore in order.

In the Sumy region on the border with Russia, the occupiers staged a provocation on March 29 at the Ryzhivka checkpoint. They set up their armored personnel carrier there and blew it up themselves. This was announced by the head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration Dmytro Zhyvytskyi. After the self-explosion, the orcs, as if to take revenge on the Ukrainians, burned the Ukrainian border checkpoint on the border with Russia.

The Russian occupiers are mining mines with a seismic sensor. That is, these mines respond to vibration from the steps. The use of POM-3 Medallion mines was recorded in Kharkiv and Sumy regions, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. When a mine "hears" a person approaching, its warhead flies to a height of about 1-1.5 m and explodes. The military warns: if you come across such a mine, never come close or allow other people to enter the area. If detected, call the police immediately.

Chernihiv region

Another person was abducted yesterday by the Russian military in the Snovsk district. We are talking about the head of the Novi Borovichi district Anatolii Siryi. The information was confirmed by the Snovsk City Council. "The military said they would not endanger the population and would return the mayor if the road to Novi Borovichi was cleared of fallen trees," the City Council said on its Facebook page.

At night, the occupiers fired on Chernihiv again. The market and the shopping center were on fire due to the shelling. In total for the last few days, there were 20 fires. There are injured.

Kherson region

Strong explosions and shelling were heard in the Kherson region during the night. Beryslav and Kakhovka districts suffered the most. Locals report destroyed infrastructure and houses. Also among the civilian population, there are victims and, unfortunately, killed. The information is being clarified.

In Velyka Bilozerka, units of the Russian occupiers were scattered throughout the settlement and placed equipment between residential buildings. Hiding behind civilians is a common tactic of Russian barbarians.

The Russian occupiers claim that the region is completely under their control, but the Ukrainian military has already recaptured several villages and set fire to vehicles. The Armed Forces of Ukraine reports that in a few days they have advanced 15 kilometers.

In Kherson, the Russian occupiers kidnapped the priest Serhii Chudynovych. At 8:30 he was taken straight from the church. Serhii Chudynovych, rector of the Church of the Blessed Virgin, well-known public figure and volunteer in Kherson.

20:00 – UPD: Kherson priest Serhii Chudynovych, who was kidnapped in the morning, was released home, said Bishop of Kherson and Tavria, head of the Kherson diocese of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Nikodim.

Odesa region 

The Russian military mined the Black Sea using mines seized in 2014 after the occupation of Crimea. This was done in order to discredit Ukraine, said the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

In addition, at least 90 civilian vessels destined to transport food, including grain, have been blocked by orcs in Black Sea waters. The goal of terrorists is to provoke a food crisis in a number of countries around the world.

Khmelnytskyi region 

At night the enemy struck three blows on industrial objects of the Khmelnytskyi region; the head of regional state administration Serhii Hamalii reported. The fires have already been localized by the SES. Information about the victims is being checked.

One of the occupier's cruise missiles, which was aimed at the civilian infrastructure of the Khmelnytskyi region, was shot down by an air-to-air missile from a Ukrainian fighter.

Chernihiv region

Heavy artillery shelling the city at night. Data on casualties and destruction are being clarified.

Kharkiv region

Yesterday at about 22:30 the Russians fired on Saltivka (Kharkiv). About a dozen apartments in apartment buildings were on fire. There are no victims.

Fighting continues in the region in the Izium direction, the Armed Forces shot down 1 fighter and a drone.

In Kharkiv, a schoolboy worked as a fire adjuster. "I coordinated the fire in the Telegram," says the student. He says he came across an advertisement on the Internet where money was promised for simple tasks. He needed to take screenshots of Google Maps at specific addresses in Kharkiv. And in a few days, there were enemy shells… The boy realized that he was helping the Russians when State Security Service visited his home. The schoolboy's father is shocked.

Parents! Watch what your children are doing! Tell them about this case so that they do not fall into the trap of an ingenious and insidious enemy.

The Ukrainian Air Force shot down three Russian fighter jets and one UAV in the Sloboda direction, according to the East Air Command.

21:00 – The Ukrainian military "mopped up" the remnants of the Russian enemies in Mala Rohan in the Kharkiv region. This was reported by the Ministry of Defense.

In Kharkiv, the occupiers are firing chaotic fire from various types of weapons all day. The goal is to destabilize the situation in the city. This was stated by the head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration Oleh Sinehubov in a video message on Telegram.

Dnipropetrovsk region

During the day, the occupiers fired on the territory of the Apostolove Community from the Kherson region. Fortunately, no one was injured. No damaged objects as well.

20:30 – Russia fired rockets at an oil depot in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Object destroyed. The wreckage of another missile damaged two more fuel trucks. There are no casualties. The head of a regional council Nikolai Lukashuk reports about it.

Mayor Borys Filatov promises to start a "hunt" in Dnipro tomorrow for people who post photos of the shelling.

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