Company news 15:42 01 Jun 2024

BGV Fund donated over 700 gifts to children in the Zhytomyr region

On June 1, the BGV Charity Fund delivered over 700 gifts to children from vulnerable social groups in the Olevsk community.

Specifically, gifts were given to the Olevsk City Rehabilitation Center for Children with Disabilities. The children received kits with modeling clay, stress-relief toys, and books with coloring albums.

The Resilience Center in the city of Zhytomyr, created by the BGV Charity Fund in collaboration with Ukraine's Ministry of Social Policy, hosted a day for children and parents. Guests asked specialists questions on topics that concerned them, helping families understand each other better and grow closer.

The Resilience Center team also conducted 35 sessions in their Art Workshop and 10 interactive games with families. The center's psychologist also led art therapy in the "Hidropark" water park during a festive event organized by the "Veteran's House" public union and the Win Win Educational Center.

Another BGV Charity Fund project—the SviTy Psychosocial Support Center for Teenagers—participated in the children's holiday event "Summer Together," organized by the city authorities. The SviTy team held workshops and fun activities for children and did face painting for everyone interested.

Supporting young Ukrainians during the war is one of the BGV Charity Fund's priorities.

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