12:47 02 Mar 2022

Putin is aware of Russia's losses in the war, but the Kremlin cannot say how many have been killed

Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for the Russian president, said that Vladimir Putin was receiving information about Russia's losses in the war against Ukraine, but the Kremlin could not report the number of losses.

This was reported by Kremlin-controlled RIA Novosti.

Peskov said Putin was receiving information about Russia's losses during the war against Ukraine, but the Kremlin could not report any losses: "This is the sole prerogative of the Defense Ministry."

Peskov also did not answer the question of whether the Kremlin has data on the number of civilian casualties: "This should be asked of the military."

He also said that on the evening of March 2, the Russian delegation would be waiting for negotiators from Kyiv for talks, but he did not name a venue for the talks.

"This afternoon, closer to the evening, our delegation will be waiting for the Ukrainian negotiators on the ground. Our delegation will be ready to continue the conversation tonight," he said.

Peskov also reiterated that Ukraine must be "saved" from neo-Nazis.

"You know that there are a huge number of military units of a nationalist nature: Bandera, just nationalists, battalions, and so on. Of course, we need to get rid of them… They are real neo-Nazis. These are the same people who in 2014, eight years ago, just started killing their own people, who started firing, shooting, torturing people in the south-east of Ukraine…

When the war started, when the war crimes started, then, unfortunately, we did not see such unity of the West, and no one saw anything. And for some reason, it did not occur to MEPs to protest against the killings of these people in the southeast of the country. Well, unfortunately, someone has to punish these people," he said.

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