09:14 03 Dec 2020

St. Andrew's Church to open to visitors in December, after 5 years of restoration

In December 2020, after almost five years of restoration, Kyiv St. Andrew's Church will be accessible to visitors.

The press service of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy reports.

"All the paintings, icons and iconostasis have been completely restored, the stucco has been cleaned, and the floor has been sanded. Engineering networks have been replaced, new lighting, heating, air supply, and windows systems have been installed. By the way, German technologists helped to find the authentic color of the 18th-century walls thanks to computer analysis. And before the approving final color and painting, they made 36 test paints," the Minister of Culture Oleksandr Tkachenko said after visiting the church and getting acquainted with the course of repair and restoration works.

The Minister also noted that they restored not only the filling but also the sanctuary contents. The purpose of the restoration was to reveal the original decisions and visions of architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli, whose 320th anniversary is being celebrated this year.

Андріївський собор – місце сили та один з головних храмів Києва вже майже 5 років закритий для відвідувачів. Сьогодні…

Posted by Олександр Ткаченко on Tuesday, December 1, 2020

стеля андріївської церкви

всередині андріївської церкви

всередині андріївської церкви

As reported, repair and restoration works were carried out in St. Andrew's Church.

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