"I see no reason to sever diplomatic relations": Kuleba spoke about Ukrainian-Belarusian relations and sanctions

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Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that it was unfortunate to see Russia strengthen its position in Belarus, as it's a risk to Ukraine's national security.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs stated this in an interview with BBC News Ukraine.
Dmytro Kuleba replied that Ukraine is ready to join the EU sanctions against Belarus.
"I want to look at the final legal decision, who is on this list (the interview took place a few hours after they adopted the EU sanctions), but yes, we are set to join these sanctions, because it is a question of policy consistency.
Ukraine believes that in this situation it is important to act as a united front. If we are already a Western country, if we support the EU's position, then we need to work together with the European Union on these issues. Solidarity is very important here. I note that for us the price of such a policy of solidarity is much higher. We're not members of the EU, we're not members of NATO, we're not under the "umbrella of protection" of these institutions and the resources they provide to these countries. But less so, even in these hard conditions, we are doing everything in our power to help the people of Belarus in this difficult situation."
The Minister commented on the prospects of developing relations with Belarus: "I see no reason to sever diplomatic relations or reduce Ukraine's presence in Belarus to the level of Chargé d'affaires, as with Russia, but I see grounds, and you know that it's Ukraine's official position, to close official contacts, leaving a window of communication in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
As for economic cooperation, we do not plan to attack; we do not plan to harm Belarus.
But the issue is different here. We will have to see what will happen to the Belarusian economy in the coming months in terms of the inflow of Russian money and Russian control in this business. That's when we need to sit down and analyze every big contract and see if there are any additional risks because we have great cooperation in the military-trade sector. But for now, I don't think that imposing a trade embargo by Belarus or Ukraine would be a wise move."
When asked if Russian companies would control Belarusian companies, would Ukraine reconsider relations with Belarus, Kuleba said that they should consider specific cases:
"There are big giants, there are actual contracts. If it comes under Russian control, and we know that where there is a Russian business, there is also Russian FSB, we will have to sit down and calculate the risks."