Russian UAV attack on Zaporizhzhia kills three, including 14-year-old girl, and injures 12

On the evening of March 21, explosions rocked Zaporizhzhia and the surrounding region as enemy drones launched an attack. The strikes ignited fires in several areas, including a kindergarten and a high-rise building. The Russian assault resulted in three fatalities, including a 14-year-old girl, and injured 12 others, with one woman in extremely critical condition.

The head of the Zaporizhia Regional Military Administration, Ivan Fedorov, and the State Emergency Service reported this.

According to the head of the region, at about 6:20 p.m., an air raid alarm was declared in Zaporizhzhia and the region, and explosions were heard later.

Later, Fedorov clarified that the enemy attack in Zaporizhzhia resulted in casualties and damage to the city's private houses and high-rise buildings.

"Due to the attack, residential buildings, private cars, and social infrastructure facilities caught fire. The blast wave and debris damaged neighboring houses," the official said.

Photo: Telegram / National Police of Ukraine

Photo: Telegram / National Police of Ukraine

The head of the regional military administration later wrote that as a result of the attack on Zaporizhzhia, five people were known to have been injured.

"Three people are in serious condition; two are in moderate condition. Medics are providing them with all the necessary assistance. The danger has not passed. Stay in safe locations until the alarm ends," he wrote.

According to Fedorov, the occupiers launched more than ten strikes on Zaporizhzhia.

Photo: Telegram / State Emergency Service

Photo: Telegram / State Emergency Service

Photo: Telegram / State Emergency Service

At 10:15 p.m., the head of the region reported that the enemy attack on Zaporizhzhia had already killed several people.

"The Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia claimed the life of one person. Rescuers have just pulled the body of a woman from under the rubble of a destroyed house," he said.

The head of the regional military administration specified that the woman was only twenty years old. He also released a video of the consequences of the enemy shelling.

Later, the head of the region added that the enemy attack claimed two lives. According to the updated information, a 14-year-old girl was among the dead.

Photo: Telegram / State Emergency Service

Photo: Telegram / National Police of Ukraine

Around midnight, the National Police clarified that nine people were currently injured in Zaporizhzhia due to Russian strikes (including an infant), and two people were killed (a 41-year-old man and his 14-year-old daughter).

According to the National Police, the Russian invaders attacked the city of Zaporizhzhia with twelve Shahed attack drones.

"As a result of hits on residential buildings, fires broke out, and civilian infrastructure facilities were destroyed," law enforcement agencies reported.

Six multi-story buildings, one private house, a kindergarten building, and a catering establishment were damaged in Zaporizhzhia.

Photo: Telegram / SES

At 01:08 a.m. (March 22), the SES reported that, according to updated data, the number of deaths in Zaporizhzhia due to Russian shelling has increased to three people.

According to the SES, search and rescue operations have been completed in the city.

"3 people died, 12 people were injured. The number of victims is being specified," the emergency services said in a statement.

The State Emergency Service also added that in Zaporizhzhia, emergency workers "eliminated fires in a restaurant with an area of ​​70 sq. m, a summer house, a kindergarten, and an apartment on the 7th floor of a nine-story building with an area of ​​30 sq. m."

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