Illustrative picture / Freepik
The data from a sociological study by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) evidences this.
In general, the percentage of happy people in Ukraine has significantly decreased over the year —from 69% to 58%.
Sociologists highlight that the survey indicates over three times as many happy Ukrainians compared to unhappy ones:
Meanwhile, 16% of respondents identified as unhappy or rather unhappy:
Photo: Screenshot / KIIS
"The study demonstrates a high level of optimism among Ukrainians even in difficult conditions," KIIS notes.
In addition, studies show that Ukrainians' levels of happiness have significantly changed over the past decades.
Photo: Screenshot / KIIS
The percentage of happy people increased from 38% in 2001 to 65% in 2010. This may be due to the economic growth that continued in Ukraine from 2002 until the global financial crisis of 2008
In December 2021, two months before the full-scale invasion, 71% of Ukrainians considered themselves happy, while 15% felt unhappy.
After the invasion began in February 2022, the level of happiness did not decrease. This may be due to society's mobilization, a sense of unity, and support from loved ones.
Only in the third year of the war did the level of happiness decrease – from 69% in 2023 to 58% in 2024. However, the number of unhappy people did not increase; instead, the number of those who could not clearly determine their condition increased.
Who among citizens is happier?
Photo: Screenshot / KIISOptimists are significantly happier than pessimists. The level of happiness among those who believe in the future of Ukraine reaches 72%, while among pessimists – only 38%.
The research was conducted from December 2 to 10, 2024, using telephone interviews (computer-assisted telephone interviews, CATI) based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers in all regions controlled by Ukraine. 1,509 adult respondents were interviewed during the study.
For reference:
For the eighth consecutive year, Finland has been recognized as the world's happiest country. Formerly part of the Russian Empire over a century ago, Finland successfully resisted Russian aggression in the 20th century. Conversely, Ukraine ranks 111th out of 147 countries in the happiness index, scoring 4.68 out of a possible 10 points.
The art installation welcomes guests to envelop themselves in vibrant cocoons, recline on a plush throw, try on a playful toy fur coat, depict the history of Ukrainians' struggles on the wall, and listen to the city's sounds—all in an effort to experience warmth and find solace and healing amidst times of war. Rubryka attended the space's grand opening and provided a detailed account of the experience.
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