Rebuilding Ukraine: Zaporizhzhia opens sixth underground school for students and kindergarteners

In Zaporizhzhia, the construction of the sixth underground school in the anti-radiation shelter at Elint College has been completed.

The Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration reported this.

What is the solution?

The Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration has announced that the educational institution will welcome schoolchildren in a few days.

500 students will be able to study safely in the premises with an area of ​​​​over 1,400 square meters.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration

"Teachers are gearing up for the commencement of in-person classes, with the lesson schedule already finalized. The underground school will operate in two shifts, accommodating 300 children in the first shift and over 200 in the second.

Everyone is really looking forward to the start of training, both parents and children," said school director Olena Zaikovska.


How does it work?

In total, the institution will have the capacity to accommodate over 700 students, including nearby kindergarteners.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration

The underground school premises accommodated:

  • 15 classrooms,
  • areas for recreation and communication,
  • a medical center,
  • a cloakroom,
  • a cafeteria.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration

"The construction of the underground school began in July 2024. In a short time, all the necessary work was completed, from the arrangement of the excavation to the interior decoration.

This will allow students not only to receive high-quality knowledge, but also to spend time comfortably in a safe environment," the Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration added.

The construction of the underground school was financed from the state and local budgets, the Ministry of Education and Science reported.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration

Hanna, an 11th-grade college student, expressed that the security situation has limited her time with classmates.

"I want to go to school because my friends are there and it's safe now. We won't be distracted by air raid alarms," fourth-grader Marharyta said.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration

Schoolgirl Polina admitted that she wants to study offline in order to have live communication.

"I'd like to go to the blackboard and solve tasks. It allows for more interactive communication, where the teacher can correct mistakes and classmates can offer support," she added.

As Olena Zaikovska said, more than 90% of children who are in Zaporizhzhia are already ready to return to offline classes.

The new "underground" school will be another step towards building an ecosystem of safe education in the region. Five such shelters are already operating in the Zaporizhzhia region, where children study in a safe and comfortable environment.

For reference:

In late February, the fourth "underground" school in the region was inaugurated in the village of Balabyne, near Zaporizhzhia. This modern educational facility is designed to accommodate 1,000 students, allowing for instruction in two shifts.

In Kharkiv, an anti-radiation shelter was renovated. 345 schoolchildren and 45 city students will be able to study in this space.

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