Solutions from Ukraine: Kyiv theaters adapt performances for visually impaired audiences

In the capital, theaters adapt performances for people with visual impairments through audio description. This is essential in developing a barrier-free cultural product accessible to everyone.

The Kyiv City State Administration reported this.

What is the problem?

"Culture is what unites us, preserves our authenticity, and passes it on to future generations. However, art should be accessible to everyone without exception. Barrier-free access in the field of culture is not only about convenience but also about the right of every person to feel part of society.

Theaters, cinemas, and exhibitions are tools of social adaptation that help people with limited mobility integrate into active life," noted Maryna Khonda, Deputy Head of the Kyiv City State Administration for the Exercise of Local Government Powers and Responsible for Barrier-Free Access in Kyiv.

What is the solution?

Therefore, theaters in Kyiv are adapting performances for people with visual impairments through audio description.

Marina Khonda noted that by creating conditions for a barrier-free cultural environment, the capital becomes a city of equal opportunities, where everyone can feel like a full-fledged participant in the cultural process.

How does it work?

According to the Department of Culture of the Kyiv City State Administration, the Kyiv National Academic Operetta Theater provides audio descriptions of five performances:

  • "Chasing Two Hares",
  • "The Addams Family",
  • "Only Girls in Jazz",
  • "Tiger Hunters",
  • "Dorian Gray".

This service is free of charge within the framework of a grant from the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.

Also, the Kyiv Academic Drama Theater in Podil shows performances for people with visual impairments using the audio description system once a month.

Moreover, in the Kyiv Academic Theater of Young Spectators on Lypky, during the performance "Who Grows in the Park," the following sensations are used:

  • tactile,
  • taste,
  • auditory,
  • olfactory.

In particular, the performance considers the perception of people with complete or partial vision loss (the audience is blindfolded).

The Kyiv Academic Theater on Pechersk has also launched performances for people with visual impairments. In particular, two performances have already been shown:

  • "The Art of Negotiation",
  • "The Pepsi Generation".

All performances with audio descriptions in this theater are held only by prior order.

The Department of Culture of the Kyiv City State Administration noted that people with visual impairments can watch performances and films.

Thus, in the Kyiv Cultural Cluster "Krakow," almost 90% of all films have been adapted for them through special applications, such as Podyv, Subcatch, Greta, and Earcatch.

For reference:

As reported, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, together with the State Agency for Arts and Art Education and UNDP in Ukraine, recently held a webinar, "Ensuring Digital Accessibility of Theater Websites," as part of communication activities on accessibility and non-discrimination policy. All theater websites must meet standards, and all digital services must be accessible to all.

It is worth mentioning that the Kyiv Academic Puppet Theater regularly introduces performances adapted for audiences with hearing impairments into its repertoire.

It was also reported that the theater on Podil successfully tested audio description systems. Twelve people with disabilities and their companions attended the "Free Relations" performance by Dario Fo and Franka Rame with an audio recording.

In Kyiv, the Taras Shevchenko Central Library will present an inclusive audio performance, "Legends of the Enchanted Forest," for children.

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