Photo: Gavriil Grigorov / Sputnik
The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported this.
"The Kremlin readout of the March 18 phone call between Putin and Trump stated that Putin "immediately gave the Russian military" an order that "corresponded" with his "positive response" to Trump's temporary ceasefire proposal," ISW analysts note.
The Institute for the Study of War recalled that the Russians reported that after Trump spoke with Putin, the Russian leader allegedly ordered the troops to stop attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure.
The Kremlin said that it had destroyed its drones that were in the air and that Ukraine allegedly attacked Russian territory with UAVs that same evening.
ISW analysts write that Russia's claims that it is adhering to the ceasefire by refraining from striking Ukrainian energy infrastructure and that Ukraine has violated the agreement are inaccurate, as both countries have yet to implement the agreement formally.
These Kremlin statements attempt to exploit the lack of clarity on the details of the ceasefire for manipulation, accusing Ukraine of violations before the agreement has even entered into force, indicating the potential use of similar tactics in the future.
The ISW report says the Kremlin denies Trump's claims about his phone call with Putin on March 18.
The Russian report says that Putin called for the cessation of all foreign military aid to Ukraine, while Trump claimed that the issue was not raised at all.
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