Solutions from Ukraine: Kyiv launches ‘Nazustrich’ platform to support veteran employment

On March 18, the "Nazustrich" platform was unveiled in Kyiv, developed by specialists to facilitate the employment of Ukrainian veterans. This service aims to streamline the job search process for military personnel transitioning to civilian life, while enabling employers to recruit highly motivated professionals with unique experience. reported this.

What is the problem?

According to the representative of the 3rd Assault Brigade, Mykhailo Karabut, society needs better to understand the experience of veterans and their values:

"The world in which a veteran is before his release is a war, and it needs to be understood. This person gave his life for freedom. Veterans need a decent attitude and respect for the things that are valuable to them."

What is the solution? specialists created the platform "Nazustrich" to support Ukrainian veterans. Thanks to the new platform, military personnel will be able to find work more easily after their service, and employers will be able to attract specialists with unique experience.

How does it work?

Currently, more than two thousand companies have posted vacancies on, where military experience is an advantage. In return, candidates have posted 5.5 thousand resumes in which they indicated that they are veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

"Veterans can support our country after victory and become the driver of change. Our task is to create decent working conditions for them in Ukraine so that they do not go abroad in search of a better fate," veteran and Deputy Minister for Veterans Affairs Yuliia Kirillova said.

The "Nazustrich" platform combines various opportunities for veterans and employers, including:

  • Vacancies with an advantage for veterans
  • Information about initiatives and organizations that support veterans in finding a job and adapting to civilian life
  • Articles, news, and useful materials for candidates and employers
  • A list of companies that actively hire veterans
  • Access to the database of resumes of candidates with military experience
  • Checklist for assessing a company's readiness to hire veterans
  • Successful employment cases from employers

For reference:

As Rubryka wrote, 30% of veterans are struggling to find employment, despite the labor market's demand for workers. This is highlighted in the Ukrainian Veterans Fund's study, "Retraining and Employment of Veterans: Challenges and Opportunities." Who can bridge the gap between employers and veteran job-seekers? For more information, read our article: ""Consultations that change lives": How career counselors help Ukrainian veterans find employment."

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