Greenpeace Ukraine reported this.
What is the problem?
Kyiv faces shortages of green areas due to rapid urban development and infrastructure expansion, which often prioritize new construction over preserving existing natural spaces. As the city's population grows, the demand for housing, commercial spaces, and transportation networks has intensified. This expansion often comes at the expense of parks and green zones, which are sacrificed to make way for new developments. Moreover, the lack of stringent regulations and enforcement regarding environmental preservation exacerbates the situation, leading to diminished urban greenery.
Furthermore, Russian military aggression significantly impacts Ukraine's ecology, worsening the condition of green areas through fires caused by shelling, including those in Kyiv.
Preserving every park and alley in Kyiv is crucial for several reasons:
Safeguarding Kyiv's green spaces is not only about maintaining ecological balance but also about preserving the quality of life for its citizens and future generations.
What is the solution?
Kyiv will host an ecological rally in celebration of the International Day of Forests. Located at Christer Hill (49 Vyshhorodska St.), the event seeks to unite participants dedicated to preserving the Victory Oak Alley by fostering a nutrient-rich environment for its healthy growth.
The event is organized by Greenpeace Ukraine and the public organization "StarDub." Participants will have the opportunity to support 16 unique Fastigiata oaks by enhancing the soil with mycorrhiza and biodynamic preparations.
What can visitors look forward to?
Date and time of the event: March 22, 11:00-14:00
Location: Kyiv, Kristera Hill, Vyshhorodska St., 49
Participation is free, the number of places is limited – only 15.
Registration at the link.
The organizers request that participants, if possible, bring hot tea in a thermos and small shovels. Gloves, large shovels, and cookies will be provided.
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