It is up to Russia to end the attacks and finally make peace possible — Scholz

The Russian Federation must cease its attacks on Ukraine and take concrete steps toward achieving peace.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, following a virtual meeting of world leaders on further support for Ukraine, emphasized that Ukraine requires a just and lasting peace.

"It is up to Russia to end the attacks and finally make peace possible," Scholz wrote on the social network X, reaffirming Germany's commitment to supporting Ukraine alongside European and international partners.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced after the March 15 virtual meeting that the "coalition of the willing" is advancing to the operational stage. Military officials are set to convene in Britain on Thursday to plan strategies for reinforcing a future peace agreement.

"We agreed to increase pressure on Russia, maintain the flow of military aid to Ukraine, and strengthen economic sanctions to weaken Putin's military machine and bring him to the negotiating table," Starmer stated.

He also outlined two key areas of pressure to force Russia to engage in negotiations:

  • First, increasing Ukraine's military potential.
  • Second, imposing sanctions against Russia.

Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron urged Moscow to "respond clearly" on the possibility of a ceasefire in Ukraine, stating that "Russia does not give the impression of a country that sincerely wants peace."

It is worth noting that on March 13, Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin reacted cautiously to the US ceasefire proposal. The Russian dictator is reportedly concerned that Ukrainian forces might withdraw from the Kursk region, where they are allegedly "surrounded."


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