Poland seeks to involve Slovakia in Carpathian initiative for Ukraine’s reconstruction

Warsaw plans to include Bratislava in the Carpathian Initiative for the reconstruction of Ukraine.

During the Lublin Triangle Economic Forum in Warsaw, the Polish government's commissioner for the reconstruction of Ukraine, Pawel Kowal, announced plans to involve Bratislava in the Carpathian Initiative for the Reconstruction of Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.

"We have a plan to create a Carpathian Initiative to engage Slovakia in Ukraine's reconstruction, ensuring that everyone understands our region's responsibility in supporting Ukraine," Kowal said, referencing his recent visit to Slovakia.

On March 13, Slovak Foreign Minister Juraj Blanar visited Poland, where he met with his Polish counterpart, Radoslaw Sikorski. Their discussions covered bilateral relations, cooperation in Central Europe, the European security situation, and transatlantic relations.

Meanwhile, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico previously stated that his government would not provide financial or military support to Ukraine for its war against Russia.

Despite the Slovak government's refusal to support Ukraine militarily, Slovak civil society has taken independent action. Following the Russian invasion in February 2022, Slovaks established the Mier Ukraine organization to support Ukraine and its people. In response to the government's decision not to participate in the Czech ammunition initiative, these groups launched their own fundraising effort under the "Ammunition for Ukraine" campaign.

The fundraising initiative was organized by Slovak public groups, including Mier Ukraine, Darček pre Putina, Donio, and All4Ukraine.

By October 2024, it was revealed that Ukraine had received artillery shells worth €4 million, funded by Slovak citizens who wished to contribute to the Czech ammunition procurement effort after the Slovak government declined to participate.

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