The head of the Ministry of Defense of Finland, Antti Häkkinen, stated this.
Häkkinen noted that during a meeting with Ukraine's Defense Minister, Rustem Umierov, the specific contents of the package were not disclosed. However, it will undoubtedly include much-needed artillery ammunition.
The head of the department added that in Finland "there is broad political support and national unanimity on the issue of assistance to Ukraine."
"It is also valuable that we managed to combine support for Ukraine with strengthening internal security of supplies through the industrial support program," he noted.
On March 13, Mari Rantanen, the head of the Finnish Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), arrived in Kyiv for a visit.
For reference:
On November 12, Ukraine and Finland signed a Framework Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Finland on projects financed under the Finnish-Ukrainian Investment Fund (FUIF) program. On February 26, the Verkhovna Rada ratified the Framework Agreement between Ukraine and Finland.
Within the framework of the Agreement, loans of up to 50 million euros are planned for 2025. Further implementation of the Program will involve concluding relevant loan agreements to determine the volume, terms, and conditions of the loans.
Ukraine also proposed to Sweden and Finland that it support the Ukrainian defense-industrial complex by directly financing manufacturers, following the example of the "Danish model."
In addition, Finland also announced a new aid package for Ukraine worth 118 million euros in September.
It should be noted that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Finland has been actively supporting Ukraine in the humanitarian, financial, and military-technical spheres.
In April, Presidents Volodymyr Zelensky and Alexander Stubb signed a bilateral security agreement. The agreement provides for long-term support from Helsinki and deepens cooperation between the two countries.
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