Ukrainian soldier in Venice saves life of bleeding man, providing medical assistance

While vacationing in Venice, a Ukrainian soldier heroically saved a man's life by administering medical assistance to a victim suffering from a knife wound.

Corriere del Veneto reported this.

According to reports, an altercation erupted between tourists in the historic center of Venice. Journalists noted that two men became physically aggressive, with one pulling out a knife and stabbing the other in the arm and leg.

Initially holding onto his adversary, the injured man eventually released him, walked a few meters, and then collapsed. A passerby who witnessed the scene quickly assisted the wounded individual. It was later revealed that the Good Samaritan was a Ukrainian soldier on vacation.

"The boy was lucky that I was near with the first-aid kit and tourniquets, by the time the ambulance arrived, [he would have bled]," the soldier on X social media wrote.

According to journalists, the attacker quickly disappeared without a trace. Forensic experts and local police arrived at the scene.

Initially, reports identified the rescuer as an unknown "Russian tourist," based on eyewitness accounts. However, this was later clarified after direct contact with the rescuer, who was confirmed to be a Ukrainian soldier. Witnesses were reportedly "shocked" by the large amount of blood left at the scene.


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