Photo: Facebook / Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine
The Ministry of Youth and Sports reported this.
In the European Championship final, the Ukrainian surpassed the "neutral" representative and won by 0.3 points.
Photo: Facebook / Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine
Serhii Kulish won his first personal "gold" and first medal at the European Championships in this discipline.
Photo: Facebook / Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine
Seventeen athletes are representing Ukraine at the European shooting championships, which will take place from March 7 to 13. A total of 325 shooters from 42 countries are vying for medals at Euro 2025.
Kulish became the first Ukrainian shooter to qualify for the 2024 Olympics in shooting. In the selection, he showed the third result, and in the kneeling and standing positions he knocked out 199 out of 200 points.
Kulish performed for the second time in the final of rifle shooting from three positions at a distance of 50 meters at the Olympic level. At the previous Games in Tokyo, he fought for a medal for a long time, but at the decisive moment he accidentally fired a shot at someone else's target and ended up eighth.
For reference:
In the men's high jump final at the European Indoor Athletics Championships held the previous day, track and field athlete Oleh Doroshchuk achieved a remarkable feat by clearing 2.34 meters. This exceptional performance marked the best high jump by a Ukrainian in eight years, earning Doroshchuk the gold medal.
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