Russian Defense Ministry allegedly intercepts and destroys 337 Ukrainian drones overnight

On the night of March 11, the Russian Federation reported experiencing explosion sounds across several regions. Unknown drones purportedly targeted areas including the Moscow region, Ryazan, and Kursk.

Russian Telegram channels reported this.

The Russian Defense Ministry stated that reportedly 337 Ukrainian drones were intercepted and destroyed overnight:

  • 91 UAVs – over the territory of the Moscow region;
  • 126 UAVs – over the territory of the Kursk region;
  • 38 UAVs – over the territory of the Bryansk region;
  • 25 UAVs – over the territory of the Belgorod region;
  • two UAVs – over the territory of the Kaluga region;
  • eight UAVs – over the territory of the Lipetsk region;
  • eight UAVs – over the territory of the Orel region;
  • six UAVs – over the territory of the Voronezh region;
  • three UAVs over the territory of the Nizhniy Novgorod region.

Moscow region

The specific target of the drone attack remains unclear. According to Moscow region governor Andrei Vorobyov, the assault commenced at 4 a.m. However, around 3:30 a.m., Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin reported that air defense forces had allegedly destroyed six drones in the Ramenskoye urban district.

Photo: Telegram / ASTRA

At 4:24 a.m., Russian aviation authorities announced the implementation of temporary restrictions on operations at Moscow's Zhukovsky Airport to ensure the safety of civil aircraft flights. Subsequently, these restrictions were extended to include Domodedovo and Strigino airports, the latter located in Nizhniy Novgorod.

After that, Sobyanin reported that four more UAVs had been shot down in the urban districts of Domodedovo and Ramenskoye. But at 04:13 a.m., the channel "Ostorozhno Novosti" claims that 11 drones have already been shot down.

Unknown drones continued their assault on the Moscow region and Moscow, resulting in various damages. In particular:

  • At around 5 a.m., a drone struck a multi-storey building in Ramensk, igniting a fire in an apartment on the top floor. No injuries were reported.
  • Several multi-storey buildings in Vidnoye were damaged by drones, with one drone creating a large hole in the roof of a building.
  • A UAV crashed into a private house in the cottage village of Vysokiy Bereg.
  • Debris from one of the drones damaged a multi-storey building on Domodedovskaya Street in Moscow.
  • In Domodedovo, debris from a drone fell into the Miratorg parking lot, sparking a major fire that damaged over 20 cars.
  • UAV debris fell near the Domodedovo railway station, damaging part of the track. Consequently, there is no train traffic to Moscow and the surrounding region in this area.

As of 6:00, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin reported on 69 downed Ukrainian UAVs.

At this moment, one person is known to have died and three injured in the Leninsky City District (Vidnoye) and Domodedovo (Yam village), the governor reported.

It is also known that Sheremetyevo (Moscow region) and Vnukovo (Moscow) airports are closed for aircraft arrivals and departures.


There is information that a military facility in Ryazan could have been attacked.

As of 03:11 Kyiv time, the SHOT channel wrote that from 10 to 17 explosions were heard over the city of Ryazan in the Diagilevo area. Before that, according to the Russians, they heard the characteristic sound of a drone flying.

Soon, the ASTRA channel also wrote about the sounds of explosions in Ryazan. Referring to the words of residents, it was claimed that drones were attacking the Diagilevo military airfield. However, there has been no official information about the consequences of the attack yet.

Kursk region

Residents in Kursk and Kurchatov, located in the Kursk region, have reported hearing the sounds of explosions. In Kurchatov, it was claimed that fragments from one of the UAVs fell to the ground, igniting a fire, allegedly with only the drone fragment itself burning.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova believes that the drone attack is connected to the visit to Moscow of a high-ranking foreign delegation, in particular the OSCE Secretary General.

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