Trump suggests Ukraine ‘may not survive’ war even with US aid

US President Donald Trump, responding to the remark that Ukraine may not survive without American aid, stated, "Well, it may not survive anyway." The head of the White House also stated that he takes a tough position on the Russian Federation.

He said this in an interview with Fox News on Sunday.

Aid to Ukraine

A journalist asked Trump if he was satisfied that the US had stopped aid, and Ukraine may not survive.

"Well, it may not survive anyway. We have some weaknesses with Russia. 

It takes two. Look, it was not going to happen — that war and it happened. So now we're stuck with this mess," the US president said.

Answering the question of whether he expects Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to return and the agreement on rare earth minerals to be signed, Trump said:

"Yes, I think it will happen."

The host asked if Ukraine was really rich in rare earth minerals, to which the US president said:

"Yes, I checked it."

Trump's position on Russia

Donald Trump also stated in an interview that he takes a tough position on Russia – "tougher than anyone else."

"I take a tough position (on Russia – ed.). Remember, I was the one who stopped the Russian gas pipeline "Nord Stream-2". I was the one who imposed sanctions against Russia.

I was the one who provided (Ukrainians – ed.) "Javelin" against Russia. I take a very tough position," Trump said.

At the same time, the White House chief recalled that he "gets along well" with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Putin would be the first to say that "nobody takes a tougher position (on Russia – ed.) than Trump," he said.

According to Trump, people also know that "nobody takes a tougher position on Russia than he does."

For reference:

US President Donald Trump said on Friday that he is considering the possibility of introducing large-scale sanctions, including banking sanctions, and tariffs against Russia, until a ceasefire and a final peace agreement are reached.

Rubryka has compiled key information and expert insights regarding the suspension of military aid. For an in-depth analysis, read the article, "Suspension of US Military Aid: Everything You Need to Know and What to Expect for Ukraine."

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