Ukrainian athlete Doroshchuk wins gold in men’s high jump at European Championships

In the men's high jump final at the European Indoor Athletics Championships held the previous day, track and field athlete Oleh Doroshchuk achieved a remarkable feat by clearing 2.34 meters. This exceptional performance marked the best high jump by a Ukrainian in eight years, earning Doroshchuk the gold medal.

Suspilne Sport and Champion report this.

Oleh Doroshchuk set a new personal record with his jump of 2.34 meters, surpassing his previous best of 2.32 meters. The last time a Ukrainian athlete achieved a higher jump was in 2016, when Olympic bronze medalist Bohdan Bondarenko cleared 2.35 meters at a competition in Hungary.

Euro 2024 outdoor high jump bronze medalist Oleh Doroshchuk qualified for the decisive round for the first time in his career. In the final, he was the only competitor to clear the height of 2.32 meters, securing the gold medal. Continuing his impressive performance, Doroshchuk went on to clear 2.34 meters as well.

For Oleh, this is his first gold medal in international competitions.

At the same time, his compatriot Dmytro Nikitin became 5th with a result of 2.26 meters.

The representative of the Czech Republic, Jan Štefela, won silver, who jumped 2.29 meters. Bronze went to the Italian Matteo Cioli, whose result was also 2.29. The Ukrainian's rivals showed the same height, but the Czech made fewer attempts.

Photo: European Athletics Indoor High Jump Results

  1. Oleh Doroshchuk (Ukraine) – 2.34 m
  1. Jan Štefela (Czech Republic) – 2.29
  1. Matteo Cioli (Italy) – 2.29
  1. Manuel Lando (Italy) – 2.26
  1. Dmytro Nikitin (Ukraine) – 2.26

Oleh Doroshchuk became only the tenth Ukrainian high jumper to clear a height of over 2.34 meters, marking the 29th best result in Ukraine's history. The national record still stands at 2.42 meters, set by Bohdan Bondarenko at a competition in New York in 2014.

Here is a list of Ukrainian jumpers who have cleared the 2.34-meter bar:

– 2.42 meters: Bohdan Bondarenko (June 2014)

– 2.40 meters: Andrii Protsenko (July 2014)

– 2.38 meters: Hennadii Avdeienko (March 1987), Andriy Sokolovsky (July 2005)

– 2.37 meters: Serhii Dymchenko (September 1990)

– 2.35 meters: Dmytro Demianiuk (June 2011)

– 2.34 meters: Yurii Serhiienko (February 1985), Yurii Kramarenko (February 2007), Viktor Shapoval (September 2009), Oleh Doroshchuk (March 2025)

"But I essentially knew that if I executed everything technically, I could achieve a good jump. I could reach and clear that height. Everything was calm, the bar remained in place, and the attempt was successful," the Ukrainian jumper said in an exclusive comment for Suspilne Sport.

Ahead of the final day of the Euro 2025 Indoor Athletics Championships, Ukraine has secured one medal: a gold won by Oleh Doroshchuk.

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