Ukrainian F-16 pilots express gratitude to American people for their support

Ukrainian F-16 fighter pilots thanked the American people for the opportunity to protect Ukrainian cities from Russian air attacks effectively.

Pilot Vadym Voroshylov, call sign Karaya, and Colonel Yurii Ihnat, head of the communications department of the Air Force Command of Ukraine's armed forces, shared the corresponding video.

"Dear American people, my fellow fighters who defend Ukraine on F-16 aircraft express their gratitude for the opportunity to effectively protect Ukrainian cities from Russian terror, to protect the people of Ukraine. Your help is an opportunity for us to fight for our democracy. Thank you very much for your support. Together to victory!", Voroshylov wrote.

Under a video statement, Ihnat expressed gratitude to the people of the United States for their military assistance to Ukraine, highlighting the critical support in defending the Ukrainian populace against Russian aggression. "Honor!" he emphasized.

Photo: Video screenshot 

It should be noted that US Vice President J.D. Vance said that US President Donald Trump felt little respect from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Vance called Zelensky's clash with Trump "great television." According to him, the US president tried to be "diplomatic" with his Ukrainian counterpart, but the latter "made fun of" him.

CNN journalists collected 33 examples of Zelensky thanking the US, American officials or the people for their support after the full-scale Russian invasion (and this is only an approximate number, because many of Zelensky's internal statements in Ukrainian were not considered).

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