Two-thirds of French citizens back continued aid to Ukraine and deployment of peacekeepers post-war – survey

In France, two-thirds of citizens support the continuation of assistance to Ukraine and the dispatch of peacekeepers after the end of hostilities.

These findings are supported by a survey conducted by the Elabe Institute for BFMTV.

As French sociologists report:

  • 64% of respondents want France to increase (20%) or continue in the same amount (44%) military aid to Ukraine;
  • on the other hand, 18% believe that this support should be reduced,
  • 17% – to stop.

Voters of the pro-Macron coalition "Together for the Republic," "New Popular Front," and the right favor continuing assistance, while voters of the "National Union" oppose it.

At the same time, sociologists note that even though the share of those who support the continuation of assistance to Ukraine has been growing since June 2024, three out of four French people say that they are not ready to pay more taxes for this, including 43%—not ready at all.

A quarter (24%) of those surveyed expressed willingness to pay more taxes.

Also, 68% of French people oppose sending French troops to Ukraine until the end of the war with Russia. However, on the other hand, 67% support sending peacekeepers after signing a peace agreement with Moscow to guarantee security and peace on Ukrainian soil.

Opinions are also divided on the timing of Ukraine's accession to NATO and the EU:

  • Regarding NATO, 40% support Ukraine's accession after the war and 30% now, while 29% are against it.
  • 35% support Ukraine's accession to the European Union after the war, 31% now, and 33% are against.

For reference:
It should be noted that more than half of Americans support Ukraine in the war with Russia and for providing weapons, but few believe that President Donald Trump is on the same side.

Americans are broadly divided between saying Trump's actions and statements have favored Russia (46%) and that he has treated Russia and Ukraine equally (43%), with only 11% saying he has favored Ukraine. A majority of Republicans (56%) say they are neither pro-Russia nor pro-Ukraine, while 72% of Democrats describe themselves as pro-Ukraine.

A majority of Americans (66%) view Russia as unfriendly or an enemy, but 41% of Republicans call it a friend or ally, compared with 26% of Democrats who say the same.

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