Drones target Syzran refinery in Russia, previously attacked in February and last year

In the Russian Federation, in the city of Syzran, Samara region, unknown drones again attacked an oil refinery. Last March, it was already the target of a drone strike.

The governor of the Samara Region, Vyacheslav Fedorishchev, reported the attack.

He noted that "one of the Syzran industrial enterprises" was under attack. Russian air defense allegedly eliminated the drones, and there were no deaths or injuries there either.

However, the Russian Telegram channel Astra claims several explosions were heard near the refinery – a fire broke out there.

As Rubryka reported, in the Russian Federation, on the night of February 19, unknown drones attacked the Samara Region, as a result of which the Syzran oil refinery was hit, and a fire broke out there.

The Russians published footage of the burning refinery on the Internet. Residents told Mash that at 02:45 a.m. local time they heard at least three explosions in the oil refinery area.

The refinery way attacked in March 2024, after which its productivity temporarily decreased to 6 million tons per year, about 70% of its nominal capacity.

For reference:

The Syzran refinery belongs to Rosneft. The plant's capacity is 8.9 million tons of oil per year. The enterprise produces a range of petroleum products, including motor fuel and other refined petroleum products. The plant employs more than 2,200 people.

The General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces confirmed the strike on strategic Russian facilities carried out on February 17. The defense forces attacked military, fuel, and energy infrastructure: they hit the Ilsky oil refinery in the Krasnodar Territory and two oil pumping stations.

In addition, in the Tver region of the Russian Federation, on the night of February 13, drones of the Security Service of Ukraine again struck the Andreapol oil pumping station.

Also, on the night of February 11, the Ukrainian Defense Forces attacked and struck an oil refinery of the occupiers in the Saratov region of the Russian Federation.

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