We are no longer going to write blank checks to a war very far away without real lasting peace — White House press secretary

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky refuses to acknowledge the realities of war and seeks aid without showing gratitude, leading the United States to halt unconditional funding for the conflict without a path to peace.

White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt stated this in an interview with Fox News.

She emphasized that the new US administration is no longer willing to provide open-ended financial support and is instead focused on achieving a lasting peace.

Leavitt noted that tensions arose during an Oval Office meeting between Zelensky and US President Donald Trump because Zelensky refused to accept the realities of the war.

"We are no longer going to just write blank checks to a war very far away without real lasting peace. And that is what the president wants," she said.

Leavitt also criticized Zelensky for not showing enough appreciation for US support and claimed that his stance blocked the signing of a key economic agreement.

Additionally, she reaffirmed that President Trump remains committed to peace negotiations but stressed that Zelensky must adjust his approach to reach a deal.

She further clarified that Trump made it clear Zelensky's unwillingness to compromise complicates the situation and that the US president will stand firm in protecting American interests.

What happened in the US?

On February 28, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited the White House to meet with US President Donald Trump and sign the Agreement on Establishing the Terms and Conditions of the Ukraine Reconstruction Investment Fund.

However, during the meeting, Zelensky engaged in a heated exchange with Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance regarding the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Following the disagreement, Trump stated that Zelensky was "not ready for peace" but noted that he could "come back" if he changed his stance.

Zelensky left the White House ahead of schedule, and the minerals deal was not signed. Later, he expressed gratitude to the US for its support and the meeting, while emphasizing the need for a just and lasting peace.

Zelensky explained that certain "sensitive topics" discussed during the meeting deeply affected him, particularly statements made by American politicians regarding the number of Ukrainians killed in the war and lost territories.

He acknowledged that the dispute was unfortunate, stating, "Yes, it was not good," and suggested that some discussions with partners should take place without cameras.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio stated that Zelensky should apologize for his conduct during the Oval Office meeting with President Trump.

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