AUK was a huge dream that came true thanks to the continued support and belief in our success from AUK shareholders and investors. One of them is BGV Group Management, an investment company contributing a lot to Ukraine's economic growth and development. BGV was created by Gennadiy Butkevych who was one of the first to believe in AUK's idea and mission.
At AUK Master's Graduation Ceremony 2025, we were joined by a member of BGV Supervisory Board, a person who has been with AUK from the first days. A well-known business leader and a big friend of AUK, our Supervisory Board member – Sergii Voitsekhovskyi.
"For BGV Group Management and me personally, AUK is a wonderful project with significant achievements and great prospects. I remember how a few years ago the idea of creating the American University Kyiv was only in the minds of a few people, a few visioners, and I'm so happy to be among them.
Today I want to remind AUK graduates of 3 important things. First of all, values. Let your values help you not to lose your morality. Global Management teaches us that by having the right values, you can always create the partnership with those who share them.
The second important thing is discipline. Discipline is a key to our freedom no matter how silly it may sound. The main competitor for us will always be yesterday's ourselves. Defeat this competitor with systematical, disciplined daily actions and you will become an undisputed champion.
The third thing is patience. This is something that helps you to complete the last mile in your marathon. We are running a lot of different marathons day by day. Patience brings endurance, and endurance supported by values and discipline leads to success. I wish each of you success in achieving your ambitious and difficult goals. Слава Україні!"
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