Solutions from Ukraine: Bolt introduces Women for Women ride category in Kyiv

Bolt is launching a new category of trips called "Women for Women". By selecting it in the application, women can order trips from female drivers, creating a safe and comfortable environment for everyone. The option will currently be available in Kyiv.

Rubryka reports this with reference to Bolt.

What is the problem?

The full-scale war has significantly changed the structure of workers in Ukraine: more and more women are entering traditionally male professions, including the field of road transportation. According to the study, the share of women among active drivers of the Bolt application in Ukraine is approximately 3%. In 2024, this share increased slightly compared to previous years. The growth of the number of women in the driving profession in Ukraine requires the creation of conditions in which both passengers and drivers feel confident and protected.

What is the solution?

The "Women for Women" category is designed to provide a reliable transport option so that safety does not become a barrier to using the service or choosing this profession.

The pilot launch will take place in Kyiv, and the service will be available in other cities later, highlighting Bolt's commitment to expanding safe and affordable solutions for women in Ukraine.

"Launching the Women for Women category in Ukraine is an essential step towards creating a safe and comfortable environment for women in mobility. Women may experience specific barriers when using transportation services or considering driving as a career opportunity. This feature increases the level of trust and comfort and helps expand economic opportunities for women who want to join the Bolt driver community.

Therefore, we believe such initiatives will attract the attention of more female drivers and encourage them to work in the ride-hailing sector. Bolt strives to create a safe environment where women can earn, develop and feel confident," Yuliia Malich, Senior Public Policy Manager for Ukraine and Asia at Bolt, said.

How does it work?

For the safety of users of the "Women for Women" category, Bolt is introducing an additional stage of passenger verification:

  • When selecting this category, the user will be required to upload an official identification document.
  • The document will be checked against the Bolt account, including name, date of birth, and photo.
  • To complete the verification, the user must take a selfie to confirm that the person matches the provided document.
  • After successful verification, the passenger can confirm the order and wait for the car at a designated location.

For reference:

Earlier, Rubryka reported on the first courses in Ukraine designed for women aspiring to become truck drivers and followed the journeys of those who have completed the program and are pursuing new careers. The report explores what the classes entail, discusses the challenges of the job, and examines whether employers are prepared to hire female truck drivers.

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