EU approves 16th sanctions package against Russia targeting banks, shadow fleet, and Aluminum

The Council of the European Union, on the anniversary of the full-scale invasion on February 24, adopted the 16th package of sanctions against Russia.

The EU Council announced this.

The sanctions list includes 48 people and 35 organizations responsible for actions that undermine or threaten Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence.

In addition, the Council established two new criteria that will allow the EU to impose restrictions on those who own or operate "shadow fleet" vessels and those who support or benefit from the Russian military-industrial complex.

Among the main decisions:

  • Another 74 "shadow fleet" vessels will be subject to sanctions.
  • The EU will prohibit transactions with credit or financial institutions established outside Russia that use the "Financial Messaging System" (SPFS) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • 13 regional banks will not be able to provide specialized financial messaging services.
  • The EU will suspend broadcasting licenses for 8 Russian media outlets.

In addition, the package contains new restrictive measures against Belarus and the occupied Ukrainian territories to prevent integration into the Russian Federation.

For reference:

On February 23, the United Kingdom introduced the most extensive package of sanctions against the Russian Federation: measures to strengthen support for Kyiv in the fight against Russian aggression.

On December 16, 2024, the EU approved a new, already 15th, package of sanctions to counter Russian aggression against Ukraine. It included high-ranking officials of the DPRK, companies from the Russian "shadow fleet," and Chinese suppliers to the Russian Federation.

For the first time, the European Union has implemented "full" sanctions against several Chinese suppliers who provide components for Russian drones. These measures include travel bans, asset freezes, and prohibitions on accessing economic resources.

Also, 52 more vessels from third countries were added to the list of tankers banned from accessing EU ports. Thus, the total number has increased to 79.

US leader Donald Trump is ready to double sanctions against the Russian Federation to end the war in Ukraine. The Trump administration does not rule out tightening sanctions against the Russian energy sector.

Also, earlier, the United States Treasury Department, in coordination with the United Kingdom, imposed sanctions on the income that the Russian Federation receives from the export of aluminum, copper, and nickel.

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