Zelensky calls for creation of European Armed Forces, urging action for Europe’s future security

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has called for the creation of a European Armed Forces to address the growing Russian threat, stressing that the time for such a step has come.

During his speech at the Munich Security Conference, Zelensky urged European leaders to act for their own security and for the future of Europe.

"I believe in Europe, and I'm sure you believe in it too. I urge you to act—for yourselves, for Europe, for your people, houses, children, and our shared future," Zelensky stated.

The President emphasized that Europe must become self-sufficient and unite its efforts with Ukraine. While Ukrainian forces, supported by other nations, are currently holding back the Russian army, Zelensky warned that Europe might face a future where the US could decline to intervene in matters of its security.

"Many leaders have said Europe needs its own armed forces—a European Army. I believe that time has come. Europe must create its own Armed Forces," Zelensky asserted.

He also addressed NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, clarifying that such forces would not replace NATO but should align Europe's contribution with America's. "We need the same approach in diplomacy—working together for peace," he added.

Earlier, Zelensky highlighted that European countries lack sufficient military strength to counter Russia. While Russia has 220 combat brigades, Europe has only 80, making the continent vulnerable to occupation without Ukraine's support.

"Without Ukraine, Europe will be occupied. Without US help, Russia will slowly overwhelm us because we are much smaller," Zelensky warned.

He explained that an attacking force requires three times as many brigades as the defending side, meaning Putin would need 330 brigades to occupy Ukraine, not just 220.

Zelensky also pointed out that if Ukraine does not join NATO, it needs an army of at least 1.5 million soldiers. He reiterated that NATO membership remains crucial to Ukraine's security and that a well-equipped Ukrainian army, numbering 800,000, would significantly strengthen the Alliance, especially if US President Donald Trump reduces America's military presence abroad.

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