Ukrainian team wins first medals at Invictus Games, securing two gold, three silver, and one bronze

During the Invictus Games held in Canada, the Ukrainian national team achieved its first set of awards.

Ukrinform reports this.

As noted in the publication, on the fourth day of the competition, Ukrainians took all three prizes in the standing ski race (INO2 class):

  • the gold award went to Volodymyr Marchenko,
  • silver – to Yaroslav Sharky,
  • bronze – to Valerii Odainyk.

Valery Odainyk at the Invictus Games-2025. Photo: Suspilne / Oksana Seniv

Notably, the time difference between the gold and silver performances was less than a second.

Invictus Games-2025. Cross-country skiing (INO2, men)

  • Volodymyr Marchenko (Ukraine) — 3:02.80 minutes
  • Yaroslav Sharky (Ukraine) +0.40
  • Valery Odainyk (Ukraine) +1:55.00
  • Brett Sailing (USA) +2:43.50
  • Adam Jackson (Australia) +6:36.90

Viktor Dykyi also won a silver medal in the sitting cross-country skiing (class IN01), and Anatolii Byrko won gold in the IN04 race.

Arsen Riaboshapka added another medal to the Ukrainian team's treasury, showing the second result in alpine skiing in the IAS2 class.

Arsen Riaboshapko with the award of the Invictus Games-2025 in alpine skiing. Photo: Suspilne / Oksana Seniv

In total, the Ukrainian team has already won six awards, including:

  • two gold,
  • three silver,
  • one bronze.

It is worth mentioning that the opening ceremony of the Unconquered Games-2025, one of the largest international competitions among veterans and military personnel, took place in Vancouver, Canada.

As Rubryka wrote, as part of the mixed team Afghanistan Unconquered 3, Ukrainians Artur Mylin and Illia Pylypenko won "bronze" medals in wheelchair basketball. The athletes competed with the Colombian team.

The Ukrainian national team also competed in this group, winning over the Colombian national team. The match occurred immediately following the games' opening ceremony on February 9, 2025. The Ukrainians triumphed over Colombia with a score of 12:6 but subsequently lost to Afghanistan Unconquered, ending with a score of 3.

For reference:

The Invictus Games are international sports competitions among military personnel and veterans who have suffered injuries, wounds, or illnesses during or as a result of their duty. The British Prince Harry founded them.

The first Games were held in 2014 in London.

This year, the winter Invictus Games will be held for the first time in Canada from February 8 to 16. More than 550 wounded soldiers from 25 countries will participate. The main team of Ukraine consists of 35 athletes, all of whom have served in the combat zone during the Russian-Ukrainian war since 2014.

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