Russia applies war experience gained in Ukraine in hybrid operations against NATO – ISW

The Russian Federation is actively enhancing its unmanned aerial vehicles and electronic warfare capabilities, drawing on experience gained from the war in Ukraine. These advancements are applied in hybrid operations against NATO member states, utilizing the latest technological developments.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported this.

According to ISW, Russia is actively using the experience gained in the war against Ukraine to improve its military technologies, in particular drones and EW systems.

The agency's analysts noted that throughout 2024, NATO commands and Alliance countries increasingly warned of Russian sabotage and hybrid operations against the bloc's member states.

"Reports that a NATO member state is struggling to combat likely Russian reconnaissance drones demonstrate the need for NATO states to develop their defensive capabilities further," the report says.

This is because Russia continues to use its experience on the battlefield in Ukraine to introduce new technologies.

Key ISW findings:

  • Russia continues to leverage its partnerships with US adversaries, including North Korea, to offset the resource shortages constraining Russia's economy and war effort.
  • The arrival of North Korean workers to Russia demonstrates how Russia, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), is violating UNSC Resolution 2397.
  • North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un continues to reiterate his support for Russia and its war effort in Ukraine.
  • German authorities reportedly failed to down suspected Russian reconnaissance drones flying near a German military facility in January 2025, where Ukrainian forces have undergone training.
  • Russia appears to be leveraging the technological innovations it is developing in its war in Ukraine directly against NATO states.
  • Ukrainian forces recently advanced in the Kursk region and near Vovchansk.
  • Russian forces recently advanced near Toretsk, Pokrovsk, and Velyka Novosilka.
  • Russia continues efforts to recruit Russians and citizens of other Commonwealth of Independent State (CIS) countries to sign military service contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD).

For reference:

Over the past year, several NATO member states have reported cases of surveillance using drones, presumably of Russian origin.

During January, unidentified drones were spotted several times over a military base in Schwesing, Germany. The base is used for training Ukrainian military personnel.

In addition, unidentified UAVs were spotted over the US military base Ramstein in Germany in December last year. Drones have also been spotted over the Rheinmetall defense concern's facilities.

Meanwhile, the Russians have begun using a new type of UAV on the front line of the war against Ukraine that is resistant to electronic warfare.

Moreover, North Korea will produce strike drones together with Russia.

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