Фото: скриншот з відео
Vadym Sukharevskyi, commander of the Unmanned Systems Forces, confirmed that the system, named Tryzub, was developed by Ukrainian engineers in just a few months and is now undergoing successful testing.
According to Sukharevskyi, the new weapon has already demonstrated its ability to "burn metal" and "shoot down airplanes."
Ukrainian engineers have successfully created and tested the Tryzub laser combat system, which is expected to play a key role in neutralizing enemy drones.
"I am supporting this project to ensure we can effectively use advanced technology to shoot down enemy reconnaissance drones, protect strategic facilities, and safeguard civilian areas," Sukharevskyi stated.
He added that soon, alongside mobile fire groups—currently known for downing Shahed drones with machine guns and thermal imagers—there will be similar units equipped with lasers.
"If I'm not mistaken, Ukraine is now the fifth country in the world to possess a laser weapon. Today, we can shoot down aircraft at altitudes exceeding 2 kilometers with this system," Sukharevskyi assured.
Lasers have been used as weapons since the 1980s, primarily for blinding enemy personnel and equipment. However, if Sukharevskyi's claim about "burning through metal" is accurate, Tryzub represents a new class of weaponry with significantly enhanced capabilities.
Previously, Sukharevsky confirmed that Ukraine had developed the Tryzub laser system and was also working on a drone project—a so-called "mothership" carrying two FPV drones.
Additionally, on August 24, Independence Day, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that Ukraine had successfully deployed a new domestically produced drone missile, Palianytsia, for the first time. He emphasized that Ukraine's innovative weapons—such as the Palianytsia missile—allow it to take decisive action while international partners delay key decisions.
Beyond existing developments like the Palianytsia cruise missile and the Peklo drone missile—officially unveiled on December 6—Ukraine has introduced another high-tech weapon, the Ruta missile. Successfully tested this year, Ruta can reach speeds of 500–800 km/h.
On the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, President Zelensky also delivered the first batch of Peklo missiles to the Defense Forces.
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