Over 500 children set Ukrainian record with carol performance in Carpathian region

In the village of Kosmach in the Carpathian region, 535 children sang the carol "Oh, Peoples of the Whole World," setting a new record for Ukraine.

The local television company NTK informs this.

"In Kosmach, Ukraine, 535 students from the local Omelian Kovch Lyceum set a national record by performing the carol "Oh, Peoples of the Whole World," the television company said.

The idea for the record belongs to the director of the lyceum, Vasyl Lyndiuk.

"In this way, I wanted to draw attention to the traditions and customs of Kosmach. After all, the children were dressed in Hutsul attire, and the carol reminded them of the events in Ukraine," the director of the lyceum admits.

The lyceum's students set a record for the most significant number of participants in the educational process by simultaneously performing the carol "Oh, Peoples of the Whole World."

The record was documented by the local deputy and veteran Dmytro Paliychuk.

"I had the honor of being an authorized representative of the Book of Records of Ukraine… I believe such events are necessary to support soldiers and raise their fighting spirit," Paliychuk noted.

The children-record holders were supported by:

  • teachers,
  • the clergy,
  • parents.

For reference:

Notably, a world record was set in Chernivtsi for a carol's most significant group performance, with 1,356 people simultaneously singing "Let's All Rejoice at the Christmas Holidays."

The event was attended by residents of the region, representatives of the authorities, the public, and the clergy. The organizers assure that this carol was not just a festive achievement but a true manifestation of unity and the spirit of Christmas.

It is worth noting that the record was officially confirmed by the Book of World Records representatives, who presented the corresponding certificate to the participants and organizers.

Residents of the Horokhiv and Rozhyshchen communities in Volyn and those from the Rozhniativ community in the Ivano-Frankivsk region set a national record for reading the most books from a library collection. Over three months, 3,227 participants read 31,384 books from local libraries.

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