The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported this.
Viktor Medvedchuk published an article in which he called on Russia to "return its historical lands."
The material was attached to a map that marks all Ukrainian territories east of the Lviv, Ternopil, and Chernivtsi regions as part of "historical Russia."
The former head of the banned party, "OPZhZh," insists that modern Ukraine has no historical legitimacy and its independence is a "historic mistake" that must be corrected through the integration of these lands into the Russian Federation.
He also stated that Western support for Ukraine is aimed at destroying the Russian Federation from within and called Ukrainians "modern barbarians" whom, according to him, Russia must "save."
Experts from the Institute for the Study of War emphasize that such statements by Medvedchuk are a reflection of the Kremlin's strategic policy of denying Ukraine's sovereignty.
"Medvedchuk's rhetoric as a member of the Russian elite with extensive ties to Putin is representative of the Kremlin's systemic refusal to act in good faith regarding negotiations with Ukraine and the West and the Kremlin's core unwillingness to negotiate with Ukraine – a state and government it considers illegitimate," the ISW report says.
Key ISW findings for February 5
It should be noted that on April 12, 2022, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that a special operation had been conducted to detain Viktor Medvedchuk, a member of the People's Deputy from the banned Opposition Platform – For Life party and a father of Putin's goddaughter.
Subsequently, 200 Ukrainian service members were exchanged for Viktor Medvedchuk, who "has already given all possible testimony to the investigation."
The Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of the Kyiv Region Bar Association deprived Viktor Medvedchuk, a former member of the People's Deputy from the Opposition Platform – For Life party, of the right to practice law.
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