
Ukraine secures release of 150 defenders from Russian captivity

Ukraine and Russia conducted another prisoner-of-war exchange, resulting in the release of 150 Ukrainian defenders, including soldiers, sergeants, and officers.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, reported this on Telegram.

"Today is a good day for all of us. We are returning 150 of our defenders from Russian captivity. These are soldiers, sergeants, officers. Naval Forces personnel captured in Mariupol and the Zaporizhzhia region, Air Force, Airborne, and Ground Forces soldiers, National Guard members, border guards, territorial defense fighters, and police officers. Despite coming from various frontlines, they share a common purpose: they fought for Ukraine," the head of state said.

Photo: Telegram Volodymyr Zelensky

According to Zelensky, some of these individuals were held in captivity for over two years. For them and their families, today is a day that carries more significance than years of waiting. It is true happiness to see them return home, alive and free.

Photo: Telegram Volodymyr Zelensky

The President expressed gratitude to all those involved in efforts to bring Ukrainian people back home. He also thanked international partners, particularly the UAE, for their support in this endeavor.

"We are working to return everyone," Zelensky stressed.

Photo: Telegram Volodymyr Zelensky

Photo: Telegram Volodymyr Zelensky

Photo: Telegram Volodymyr Zelensky

Photo: Telegram Volodymyr Zelensky

Photo: Telegram Volodymyr Zelensky

It should be noted that on January 15, another exchange of military and civilian prisoners of war took place between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. 24 Ukrainian service members returned home.

Many Ukrainians have been in Russian captivity for more than two and a half years. The defenders have acute, chronic diseases, the consequences of mine and explosive injuries, and serious injuries.

Earlier, Rubryka reported that Ukrainian intelligence documented an increase in the number of Ukrainians released from Russian captivity last year, with 356 more citizens returning home in 2024 compared to 2023.

It is worth adding that through Qatar, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, received lists of Ukrainian service personnel who went missing, as well as letters from prisoners of war.

For reference:

It should be noted that the Ukrainian community and the team of the Ukrainian embassy in Poland commemorated the heroes who gave their lives for Ukraine's freedom and independence in Warsaw on October 1, the Day of Defenders of Ukraine.

As reported, the Ministerial Conference on the Human Dimension of the Peace Formula was held in Montreal. The participants approved the Joint Communiqué. Participating states undertook to facilitate the return of all captured and deported Ukrainian citizens.

It was also noted that the first specialized reintegration center for returning service members was established in Ukraine. This facility, located in the central region, is a significant step in supporting defenders who have faced grueling challenges and require comprehensive aid in reintegrating into civilian life.

Furthermore, on October 18, 95 Ukrainian soldiers, including defenders of "Azovstal" and the renowned human rights activist Maksym Butkevych, were released from Russian captivity. This marked the 58th round of prisoner exchanges as part of Ukraine's "95 for 95" initiative.


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