Ukraine to deploy full-fledged robotic units in armed forces at frontlines – defense minister

In Ukraine, full-fledged robotic units will be deployed as part of the brigades of the armed forces at the front, considering the experience of using unmanned ground systems in the army.

The Defense Minister Rustem Umierov reported this on Facebook.

"We are introducing innovative technologies in the Defense Forces to preserve our soldiers. The Ministry of Defense is launching a project that will allow scaling up the use of unmanned ground systems in the army.

Ukraine is increasing the production of these systems and deploying full-fledged robotic units as part of the combat brigades of the armed forces on the front line," the head of the defense department emphasized.

The minister added that this project builds on tests conducted in collaboration with military personnel since the summer of 2024.

According to him, unmanned ground systems have proven capable of performing several combat missions:

  • Conducting offensive and defensive operations;
  • Providing logistical support to units;
  • Evacuating the wounded from the battlefield;
  • Mining and demining territories.

"It is essential that the main suppliers of ground robotic complexes are leading domestic companies. Ukrainian manufacturers have adapted their products to the conditions of modern warfare and the recommendations of the combat units of the Defense Forces," the Minister of Defense noted.

The head of the department also emphasized that Ukraine's armed forces are continuing to transform into a modern army with a technological advantage over the enemy.

"Our goal is to create an army where innovative technologies help to perform the most dangerous tasks, saving the lives of our defenders," he summarized.

For reference:

In 2024, the Ministry of Defense allowed more than 1,300 weapons and military equipment models to enter service, almost 75% of which were domestically produced.

In particular, in 2024, the Ministry of Defense codified and authorized more than 200 models of motor vehicles for use in the army.

"These are numerous models of motor vehicles needed by units of the Defense Forces to perform a wide range of tasks. Among the codified models are light tactical cars, pickup trucks, technical assistance vehicles, mobile workshops, logistics vehicles, and other vehicles manufactured by Ukrainian and foreign automobile companies. In particular, MAN, Iveco, Scania, Volvo, DAF, Peugeot, Toyota, Mitsubishi, etc.," Deputy Minister of Defense Dmytro Klimenkov said.

The Ministry of Defense noted that about 50% of the new automobile products codified last year were domestically produced.

Thus, the Ministry of Defense codified and approved supplying a special camouflage vehicle, Coyote, to the Defense Forces.

As reported, the Ministry of Defense codified and authorized using the Ukrainian-made "Shchedryk" unmanned aerial system in the Defense Forces.

It was also reported that the unique all-wheel drive buggy "HURKIT," which has no analogs, was developed at the Lviv School of Computer Technologies and Construction.

Four more new robotic developments from the Brave1 project participants, which have successfully passed codification according to NATO standards, will be able to work on the front line.

In addition, tests of drones with fiber-optic communication were recently completed in Ukraine.

It should be noted that Ukrainian developers have created a new unmanned aerial vehicle, WarDog, which can conduct reconnaissance in rugged terrain and is under the influence of enemy electronic warfare.

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