Photo: Facebook / Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia
The Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia reported that.
Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, spearheaded a charitable initiative to raise funds for purchasing the drones.
As previously reported, the head of the Latvian Foreign Ministry ran her first half marathon to raise funds for drones for Ukraine. During this race, 13.5 thousand euros were collected, and the amount continued to grow.
Photo: Facebook / Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia
Photo: Facebook / Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia
Now, the drones will be transferred to two Ukrainian military units:
Photo: Facebook / Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia
Photo: Facebook / Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia
The charity project to purchase drones for Ukraine's armed forces is a public initiative, and fundraising is ongoing on the platform.
The authors of the initiative on the portal highlight the urgent need of the Ukrainian military for various types of drones, including:
The project, organized in collaboration with the Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia and the Latvian charity foundation, raised approximately 130,000 euros.
For reference:
Also, on January 19, Latvia recently sent 20 four-wheel drive vehicles to Ukraine's armed forces as part of a charity project organized by the Ziedot Foundation.
Next year, Latvia, like this year, will allocate 20 million euros for the international drone coalition designed to strengthen Ukraine's defense potential. In addition, Latvia has begun training Ukrainian drone operators.
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