Solutions from Ukraine: Kharkiv engineer develops rehabilitation device for military personnel

Mykhailo Fyk, an engineer and scientist originally from Kharkiv and now residing in Ivano-Frankivsk due to the war, has developed a magnetic-ultrasound physiotherapeutic medical irradiator. Named "MOUFLON," this device aids soldiers in recovering more swiftly from injuries and concussions, offering a cost-effective solution at one-seventh the price of comparable foreign devices. reported that.

What was the solution?

After relocating to Ivano-Frankivsk, Mykhailo Fyk took up a teaching position at the University of Oil and Gas while continuing to deliver distance lectures for Kharkiv Polytechnic. Additionally, he secured employment with the municipal enterprise "Electroavtotrans."

Local volunteers approached Mykhailo Fyk with a proposal to assist in setting up the production of devices aimed at aiding rehabilitation, particularly for war veterans. Fyk had experience developing such technology for several years and had even transported some equipment from Kharkiv.

Photo: Reporter

"Such devices were needed for the rehabilitation of military personnel so that they would recover faster, recover faster after concussions and injuries. Firstly, the devices currently on the market are very complex and expensive. Secondly, they are not universal: even experienced doctors find it difficult to reconfigure the device to the current need quickly. Therefore, we have developed analogs that would be more universal and no less effective than branded ones but still inexpensive and easy to use," the engineer said.

This is how "MOUFLON" appeared—a magnetic-ultrasound physiotherapeutic medical irradiator of the overhead type. Such a device costs about 100 euros, but its European analogs cost about seven times more.

How does it work?

It is noted that the device screen displays the electric potential of the static field that occurs when the contact touches the irradiator. The applicator is attached directly to the body.

When analyzing the signal, one can observe a frequency spectrum that showcases the device's spectral characteristics, resembling a set of wave "chords" that interact with the body.

The device generates standardized electromagnetic fields that:

  • improve blood circulation and intercellular exchange,
  • promote wound healing,
  • help restore the nervous system after concussions.

Photo: ReporterThe "MOUFLON" device offers a gentler treatment than the well-known Ralph Machine, which utilizes shock wave therapy. Created by a Ukrainian scientist, this device is handy for individuals with back or leg problems. Additionally, when placed on the back of the head, it can help ease concussion symptoms. Military personnel have reported that the device aids in improving sleep quality.

The device can work, particularly from a power bank, and it can be used at home. Currently, almost a hundred service members in Ivano-Frankivsk have used the device.

Currently, around ten volunteer veterans are involved in producing these devices. Several units are undergoing testing in the rehabilitation department of the city clinical hospital. The invention is set to be licensed for use in treating patients at a military hospital.

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