Pavlo Hots, vocalist of Ukrainian band Nazva, joins Ukraine’s armed forces

Pavlo Hots, the vocalist and double bassist of the Galician-Donbas Ukrainian music band Nazva, has joined the ranks of Ukrainian defenders.

The musician announced this on his Instagram.

"Removed from the list of conscripts. Reason: became military serviceman," the musician wrote.

He shared a photo of himself dressed in Ukraine's armed forces uniform in his post.

Photo: @pavlo_gots / Instagram

Photo: @pavlo_gots / Instagram

In the comments section, friends and fellow performers extended their well-wishes to the band's soloist.

  • "May everything be fine!" wrote Nina Harenetska of the band DakhaBrakha. 
  • Rapper alyona alyona expressed her gratitude by saying, "Thank you." 
  • Laura Marti added, "May a guardian angel protect you!!!"

Photo: @pavlo_gots / Instagram

Nazva is a Ukrainian musical band formed in 2019 by Pavlo Hots from Lviv and Yaroslav Yarovenko from Horlivka in the Donetsk region. The band describes their unique sound as "alternative ethno-art chaos," blending diverse influences from their Galician and Donbas roots.

Their joint work began with the creation of audiovisual performances about the Executed Renaissance, and in 2022, they presented the song Sigele-Migele.

In 2023, this track topped the list of the most listened-to compositions in Ukrainian Shazam. It currently has over 7 million listens on platforms.

In 2024, Nazva reached the National Selection for Eurovision finals, showcasing their song "Slavic English" in the competition.

In the same year, the band recorded one of the compositions for the acclaimed album of the M.U.R. project You (Romance). Pavlo Hots and Yaroslav Yarovenko also became the main characters of the Christmas musical Mriy, released on the Megogo streaming service.

NAZVA's popular songs include "Chuzhiyu ya," recorded together with Brykulets, "Aby ty skys," and "Na dno" with KRUTЬ.

For reference:

The Ukrainian stand-up comedian, resident of the "Underground Stand-up" project Serhii Chyrkov, mobilized into the ranks of Ukraine's armed forces.

Also, the Ukrainian writer, musician, and volunteer Serhii Zhadan joined the ranks of the 13th brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, "Khartiia."

Ukrainian actress Marharyta Burkovska, known for her role in the film Vision of a Butterfly, took an essential step in her life by joining the ranks of Ukraine's armed forces.

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