
United to win: Lithuanians raise funds for drones and anti-drone equipment for Ukraine’s military

The traditional campaign in support of Ukraine, "Radarom!" has begun in Lithuania. The initiative will raise funds to purchase drones and anti-drones for Ukraine's armed forces.

LRT reported this.

The fundraising will last until February 24.

During the campaign, organized by the public broadcaster and the organizations Blue/Yellow, Laisves TV, and Stiprus Kartu, equipment manufactured in Lithuania and Ukraine will be purchased.

"We can be proud that the Lithuanian defense industry has developed high-tech and promising drones and anti-drones over the past year. We decided with the campaign partners that they should become a special focus of Radarom!" LRT General Director Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė said .

Photo: J. Stacevičiaus

Two-thirds of the funds raised within the framework of the "Radarom!" campaign will go to purchasing drones and anti-drones from the Lithuanian assembly, one-third to purchasing Ukrainian drones and anti-drones, and the equipment will be selected by the Blue/Yellow organization.

"By allocating part of the money for Ukrainian-made drones, we guarantee that the allocated assistance will be used extremely quickly. At the very beginning of the campaign, the drones can be immediately transferred to the military in Ukraine for combat operations, and our organization will ensure a smooth process," Jonas Ohman, founder of Blue/Yellow, said.

Photo: J. Stacevičiaus

Anyone can make a contribution by calling the special campaign short number 1890, visiting the special page radarom.lrt.lt, or using the Paypal electronic payment system mes@stipruskartu.lt.

For reference:

Last year in Lithuania, a coalition of four initiatives to support Ukraine started collecting 5 million euros for five modern air defense radars for Ukraine's armed forces.

During the promotion "Radarom!" in 2023, 14 million euros were collected, which were used to buy 17 radars for Ukraine.

Additionally, they purchased four cars for mobile radars and used the funds to buy 69 anti-drones and their accompanying equipment. They also covered the expenses for training radar operators in Ukraine.

Also more than 8 million euros were collected last year, which were used to purchase more than 1,000 safety kits for Ukrainian military personnel.

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