United to win: American author Ryan Holiday donates Ukrainian royalties to support Ukraine’s armed forces

American writer and media strategist Ryan Holiday has announced that he is donating all royalties from his book sales in Ukraine to the Come Back Alive Foundation.

The publishing house "Nash Format" reports this.

What is the solution?

Business literature author and marketer Ryan Holiday announced that he has been directing all royalties and profits from Ukrainian translations of his works to the Come Back Alive Foundation since the onset of the full-scale war

How does it work?

In the post, Holiday shared a photo of Ukrainian soldier Konstiantyn Ulianov reading his book "Courage is Calling. Fate Favors the Brave."

"This photo of a soldier in Ukraine reading "Courage is Calling" was sent to me by my publisher. Three years of confrontation with Russia is almost incomprehensible, and the fact that their publishing houses are still publishing and printing books? I don't even know how to comprehend it.

Anyway, as I have been since the beginning of the war, I am donating all my fees and advances from Ukraine to the Come Back Alive fund, which finances bulletproof vests, equipment, training, and much more for the soldiers defending Ukraine," Ryan Holiday wrote.

The American urged his readers to also donate to this charitable fund.

For reference:

Ryan Holliday is an American business author, entrepreneur, media strategist, and former marketing director of American Apparel.

Photo: Facebook / Ryan Holiday

In Ukraine, Holiday is known as the author of the books:

  • "The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living",
  • "The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids",
  • "Courage is Calling. Fate Favors the Brave" and others.

These editions were published by the publishing house "Nash Format."

As reported, in 2023, Timothy Snyder and four fellow professors from different universities raised funds for an air target identification system to help the Air Force of Ukraine's armed forces.

He also published a photo of serviceman Oleksandr Shirshin, who was reading Snyder's book The Road to Unfreedom in a trench in the Yatskivka area of ​​the Donetsk region.

As Rubryka wrote, historians Timothy Snyder, Serhii Plokhiy, Yaroslav Hrytsak, and dozens of other scholars are launching the "Ukrainian History: A Global Initiative" project.

It should be noted that the book "The Russo-Ukrainian War: The Return of History" by Ukrainian historian Serhii Plokhiy was included in the rating of the best publications of 2023, according to The Telegraph.

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