Ukrainian soldiers with prosthetics embark on Kilimanjaro ascent

Five Ukrainian service members—four with lower limb prostheses and one who has survived two combat injuries—are climbing Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak.

Their journey is being filmed for the documentary "Second Wind," Rubryka reports, citing the organizers.

According to the project organizers, this is the first ascent of the 5,895-meter mountain for all participants. They spent four months preparing and plan to reach the summit in four days, with an additional two days for the descent.

The initiative aims to inspire other wounded servicemen, demonstrating that life continues after injuries and that new challenges can still be conquered.

Фото: Інстаграм / secondwinduaPhoto: Instagram / secondwindua
Фото: Інстаграм / secondwinduaPhoto: Instagram / secondwindua

Alongside the servicemen, the expedition is accompanied by professional guides, a doctor, partners, and a film crew documenting the climb.

Photo: Instagram / secondwindua

Photo: Instagram / secondwindua

The expedition includes:

  • Olha Yehorova (Unit "Birds of the Magyar")
  • Vladyslav Shatilov (State Border Service of Ukraine)
  • Mykhailo Matviiv (Separate Special Forces Unit "Omega")
  • Roman Kolesnyk (Third Separate Assault Brigade)
  • Oleksandr Mikhov (Separate Special Forces Unit "Omega")

Photo: Instagram / secondwindua

On the first day, the team began their ascent from 1,800 meters and reached 2,700 meters. Participants note that adapting to the climate is one of the main challenges, especially due to the high humidity, which affects their prostheses.

The organizers report that on the first day, everyone felt good and completed the route on schedule.

"The first day of climbing went great! We quickly realized it wouldn't be easy. Within 20 minutes, it became clear that the climate, temperature, and humidity were completely different. So, we decided not to rush, carefully approach the ascent, find our pace, and walk at a comfortable speed.

The biggest challenge for me is my prosthesis—humidity builds up quickly, and the strong friction causes a burning sensation on my skin. But despite the difficulty, it doesn't stop us; instead, it motivates us to keep going," shared Roman "Dobriak" Kolesnyk.

Photo: Instagram / secondwindua

The organizers report that on the third day, the expedition participants climbed to 4,350 meters before descending to 3,720 meters.

"Radial climbing is a crucial stage before the final ascent. It helps with acclimatization, allowing the body to adjust to climate changes and pressure during the climb. Every day, the expedition tests our heroes' strength, endurance, and determination," the post noted.

After the ascent, the film crew will produce a full-length documentary. "Second Wind" is being directed by Masha Kondakova, with Oleksandr Pedan as the host and co-producer, and Serhii Mikhalchuk, known for his work on the film "Dovbush", as the chief cameraman. The film will be shown not only in Ukraine but also abroad.

The documentary is set to be released in fall 2025. You can follow the expedition on the Instagram.

What is known about the project

"Second Wind" is a Ukrainian documentary media project, which includes a film about five servicemen climbing Kilimanjaro. The project is financed by the charitable foundation "If not now, then when."

The climb to Kilimanjaro was led by Stepan Korobkin, a veteran who survived an amputation and 32 surgeries. He was joined by Tetiana Yalovchak, the first Ukrainian to conquer Everest and the seven highest peaks on all continents. Yalovchak has now launched a project that combines adaptation and motivation through the conquest of mountains.

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