Vinnytsia opens its first inclusive playground for children with special educational needs

In Vinnytsia, the city's first inclusive playground based on Lyceum No. 4 for children with special educational needs has been opened.

The Vinnytsia City Council reported this.

"On the territory of Vinnytsia Lyceum No. 4, the city's first barrier-free playground, "Yeprostir" has been created.

The idea for this project arose precisely within the walls of the Lyceum and became possible thanks to the victory in the budget competition for public initiatives," the report says.

Photo: Vinnytsia City Council

According to the report, the Lyceum has inclusive classes, and children with special educational needs study there.

Photo: Vinnytsia City Council

The "Yeprostir" playground has been designed to provide a comfortable and inclusive environment for children with special educational needs. Every piece of equipment is carefully crafted to ensure accessibility and safety for all users.

Photo: Vinnytsia City Council

This is a space where children can play together, regardless of physical or mental abilities.

Photo: Vinnytsia City Council

From now on, lyceum students with special educational needs will be able to socialize, make friends, and playfully develop communication skills. At the same time, the playground is also convenient for:

  • other children,
  • young mothers with babies,
  • as well as adults who can relax.

Photo: Vinnytsia City CouncilFor reference:
It should be noted that the first inclusive safety class of the State Emergency Service for children with special needs in Ukraine was opened in Khmelnytskyi.

Vinnytsia has also launched a new multimedia space for children with disabilities, "Different Opportunities—Equal Rights. "

In addition, Bucha has opened the first inclusive playground, built to British standards. The new space opened on World Mental Health Day and World Inclusion Day.

Also, in Uzhhorod, on October 30, an inclusive children's space was opened in Bohdan Khmelnytsky Square. Public organizations implemented the project in partnership with the Uzhhorod City Council.

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