The head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, Vadym Filashkin, reported this on Telegram.
"The number of wounded in Kramatorsk has increased to 13," he wrote.
As the press service of the Kramatorsk City Council added on Telegram, all the injured are provided with all necessary medical assistance.
Municipal services are ensuring accessibility on streets affected by the attack.
Management company representatives have started covering windows on the building's first floor. Meanwhile, Civil Defense Department specialists are assessing the damage and advising residents on how to obtain assistance for expedited repairs.
Earlier, the head of the Kramatorsk City Military Administration, Oleksandr Honcharenko, reported on Facebook about 12 wounded.
"As of 13:30, 12 people were injured, including two children," the post says.
For reference:
On January 30, Kramatorsk came under enemy fire, damaging civilian infrastructure. Later, the head of the city military administration reported that, according to preliminary information, at least five people were injured, including two children:
Local authorities are investigating the consequences.
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