The Kyiv City State Administration, referring to the Deputy Head of the Kyiv City State Administration for the Exercise of Self-Government Powers in the Field of Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization, Petro Olenych, reported this.
The Kyiv City State Administration noted that this award is an indicator of the application's importance, which provides transparency and comfort for the capital's residents.
Every year, WSA recognizes innovative digital solutions that meet social challenges and actively contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Kyiv Digital received recognition for the constant interaction of the application team with users and transparency, the Kyiv City State Administration noted.
Petition signing services, surveys, and feedback forms allow citizens to participate in the development of the capital and the city, based on the collected data, to implement new services and modernize existing ones.
According to the Kyiv City State Administration, projects from over 100 UN member states participated in the selection this year. Only 40 winners from 29 countries were selected. out of hundreds of submitted solutions
"We are honored to be among the winners. We thank users for their constant feedback and continue to improve city services," Olenych emphasized.
The Kyiv City State Administration reminded that until February 11, a survey is ongoing in the Kyiv Digital application on:
For reference:
It should be noted that the Kyiv Digital application provides virtual validation of travel in all types of municipal land transport in the capital, including buses, trams, and trolleybuses.
The application will automatically create a record of the trip used, which can be presented to the controller.
As reported, a new opportunity has appeared in the Kyiv Digital application to rate public transport and leave feedback on controllers' work.
Stars are used to evaluate the trip—from 1 to 5. You can also indicate the factors that influenced the trip, add a text review, and add a photo.
The new version of the Kyiv Digital application also improves the "Transport Traffic" service.
Moreover, the Kyiv Digital application has a new function: the Mental Care Map.
The user-friendly filter enables quick searches for nearby institutions and specialists, including school psychologists, trauma therapists, and associations or public organizations offering relevant services to the community.
In addition, Kyiv is considering several options for changes in safety protocols for ground public transport during air alerts.
As Tkachenko explained, Kyiv is the only city in Ukraine where public transport is stopped during air alerts.
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