Rebuilding Ukraine: Sumy region receives equipment to recycle post-shelling waste

For the communities of the Sumy region, partners from Japan have transferred equipment for processing waste left after Russian destructive shelling.

The Sumy Regional Military Administration reported this on Facebook.

According to the military administration, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has provided equipment to recycle waste after shelling. This equipment will be deployed across all communities in the Sumy region affected by the destruction.

"Today, we accepted equipment for the city of Sumy, but we plan to use it for the needs of the entire region," the head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration, Volodymyr Artiukh, said.

Photo: Facebook / Sumy Regional Military Administration

The head of the region explained that construction waste resulting from enemy shelling in various settlements will be processed at a facility in Sumy.

Photo: Facebook / Sumy Regional Military Administration

Artiukh clarified that they have received three units of equipment:

  • two excavators,
  • one front-end loader.

"The Kyiv Regional Military Administration will also transfer crushing equipment to the Sumy region. Thus, we will have a line where garbage will be processed into the appropriate fraction of crushed stone, which can be used for the restoration, repair and construction of roads," the head of the regional military administration emphasized.

Photo: Facebook / Sumy Regional Military Administration

Artiukh highlighted that the region's capacity for producing crushed stone should be sufficient to process all construction waste, allowing it to be used in new road construction projects.

Several such complexes have already been put into operation in Ukraine, including in the Kharkiv and Kyiv regions.

For reference:

The agricultural holding KSG Agro developed the project to establish a new plant for processing demolition waste. This facility will focus on sorting, processing, and utilizing debris resulting from the destruction in the Kherson region.

Rubryka wrote that the Cabinet of Ministers approved the procedure for handling construction waste generated during the hostilities.

It is worth adding that during the 1000 days of the war, the environmental damage caused by military operations is estimated at approximately $71 billion. As a result of shelling and forest fires, an additional 180 million tons of carbon dioxide were released into the atmosphere.

Furthermore, Russia's aggression has resulted in a massive amount of destruction, producing tens of millions of tons of construction waste that poses an additional burden on the environment and the Ukrainian economy. The World Bank estimates that Ukraine will need approximately $400 billion for reconstruction, a figure more than double the country's GDP in 2022.

The Safe, Sustainable, and Swift Reconstruction of Ukraine, or S3, project aims to change the way concrete construction waste is used in the reconstruction process. Teaming up with British and Dutch organizations, Ukrainians will recycle concrete construction waste from the war into high-quality components. Read more in Rubryka's article: "Rebuilding green: UK and Ukraine team up to turn war rubble into eco-friendly building materials."

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