This is reported on the application's website.
What is the solution?
The developers note that this is not just a digital product but a comprehensive support platform that covers medical, psychological, and social rehabilitation.
"Limbella helps not only physically but also mentally – it is support that gives strength to move forward," the developers note.
How does it work?
"The Limbella project is support for people who have lost limbs due to Russian aggression. This is a mobile application that contains reliable medical information, useful videos, psychological advice and exercises," they emphasize.
What can you get through the Limbella application:
Photo: Limbella
"Using the application can help reduce phantom pain in the limbs, increase psychological confidence and support social adaptation," the developers emphasized.
You can download the application for Android and iOS.
For reference:
In a medical institution in the Vinnytsia region, sitting volleyball has been introduced as a rehabilitation method for military personnel who have lost limbs in the war.
A rehabilitation center was also created on the basis of the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. The space is equipped with everything necessary for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of patients with severe polystructural injuries of the limbs.
Rubryka also noted that rehabilitation is a highly individualized process, particularly for those recovering from mine and blast injuries. The duration and approach depend on the severity of the injuries, any complications that may arise, and the necessary surgical interventions. Recovery can take anywhere from a few months to several years.
Last year, the State Institution "Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences" started testing virtual reality as part of their rehabilitation efforts for patients with gunshot wounds. They've been integrating it with other rehabilitation techniques and are now actively expanding its use. Rubryka explains how this innovative approach works. For more details, check out our article: "Rehabilitation and virtual reality: new technologies help the injured to recover faster."
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