
Ukrainian studio ISTO wins gold and bronze at 2024 International Design Awards

The Roots conceptual apartments and the Cascade villa interior in Dubai, both crafted by the architectural and design studio ISTO, earned gold and bronze accolades at the 2024 International Design Awards in the United States.

The team of the architectural and design studio ISTO reported this.

The Roots conceptual apartments secured a gold award in the Other Interior Designs/Conceptual Interior Design Projects category. These apartments are dedicated to exploring the rich past of Ukrainian heritage. According to the studio, every nation is intricately connected through the threads of its roots and history, emphasizing that no matter where a person is in the world, their origin remains an integral part of their identity.

Photo: ISTO

The central concept of the Roots project revolves around the people and crafts that have shaped the world over centuries. Chief architect Bohdan Kostelny and designer Kateryna Voloh drew inspiration from their Ukrainian roots, delving deeply into their ancestors' history. Their interior designs successfully recreated authentic symbols that characterize the Ukrainian nation as a people who have left a significant mark on world history.

Photo: ISTO

"Without understanding their history, people often fail to recognize the immense legacy accumulated over centuries. Awareness of this history is essential to appreciate the value of our art and its creators fully. I want the world to see that Ukraine is a collection of inventors and great cultural and scientific achievements used worldwide today," Bohdan Kostelny comments.

Villa Cascade earned a bronze in the Residential Interior Design/Luxury Living category. This 1,590 sq m boutique villa is nestled among the Arabian sands of Dubai South. Its interior space is distinguished by natural elements that flow seamlessly through the basement, first, second, and attic floors.

Photo: ISTO

Photo: ISTO

These natural narratives unfold through a cascade—a waterfall descending a steep, rocky surface. The water's flow creates a striking wavy texture, shaping the landscape by eroding softer rock layers and carving out gorges.

For reference:

The International Design Awards 2024 award ceremony will take place in May 2025 at the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design in Oslo, Norway.

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