Solutions from Ukraine: Kyiv’s Expocenter plans to transform greenhouse into modern learning space

In the capital's National Complex, "Expocenter of Ukraine" (VDNH), the biophilic design studio Greendezeen has launched a large-scale project to restore a greenhouse, filling it with modern meanings and new opportunities.

The studio reported this on Instagram.

What is the solution?

This wonderful initiative combines ecology, education, and community in one space. Restoring the greenhouse at VDNH revives a historical site and creates a modern platform for new opportunities.

How does it work?

"We are creating a space that will inspire, unite the community, and promote the restoration of mental health," Greendezeen said.

 Project features:

  • Plant bank and botanical library: This is an essential step in preserving rare plant species and developing botanical science.
  • Mental Health Space: Contact with nature is therapeutic, making the greenhouse an ideal place to restore strength and emotional balance.
  • Educational Center: An opportunity for learning and inspiration.

"Supporting the greenhouse restoration project is a contribution to the city's green future and an opportunity to offset the ecological footprint of your business through a "green initiative," the organizers emphasized.

The project team is open to new ideas and collaborations and invites everyone who wants to join the creation of this unique space.

"Follow and join our project, we are happy to receive any ideas and collaborations," Greendezeen added.

For reference:

In Kyiv, the greenhouse of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" (VDNG) received a new energy-independent heating system thanks to the support of the company "Intergal-Bud".

"Book Country" is making a comeback: the third book festival will take place at VDNH from April 24-27. It's already one of the largest in the country. This year, the event promises to surprise visitors with new formats and an atmosphere where a floral theme will complement the main literary focus.





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